I am putting ALL my research and publishing on ice.
If I read between lines correctly my research has been validated as mainly correct.
It is considered a threat to security.
I got it. But do not blame me.
Crime is a crime.
I have not broken any law.
All information was sourced ONLY from public domain.
You can contact me publicly if you desire.
Offline contacts COULD be considered threat to me.
You do understand my position.
I am open to suggestions what to do.
Do NOT threaten me.
Copies of my research are all over, online, offline, different states.
The correct step imho is to publish OFFICIAL INVESTIGATION.
Hint: Announce time when you publish, break it in parts, keep your word.
No games. I can take this offline but investigation should proceed asap.
This is Yours mess, not mine.
Deal with the mess you caused, I exposed, not with me.
I am patient, not threating anyone.
Truth is painful, it is good to learn and accept it.
The cat is out of the bag, too many have read what I found.
- Uploadig knowledge about whistle-blowers rights -
- contacting legal protection -