Friday, September 8, 2023

068 - It is Over! (investigation concluded)

  ->  The Investigation has concluded  <-

What are the 4 phases of investigation?

(1) determine if a crime has been committed
(2) identify the perpetrator 
(3) apprehend the perpetrator 
(4) provide evidence to support a conviction in court


Criminal investigation concludes when the active fact-finding and gathering of evidence is finished, and it is believed that there is sufficient evidence to proceed further.


Who needs to know, who was informed?

The Hall-of-Fame & Wall-of-shame: 

I. EUropean Ministries of Foreign affairs

II. Insurance companies

III. Newspapers and journalists


Now lets just enjoy a nice song:

 "When the Music is Over, turn up the light. ~The Doors"

- the day after -

07 Sept 2022 - by 
also provided original source, and an article.
⚡️🇷🇺 La Russie a demandé la tenue d'une réunion publique du Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU à l'occasion de l'anniversaire de l'attentat à la bombe du Nord Stream
La réunion devrait débuter le 26 septembre
Cette date marque l'anniversaire du sabotage des pipelines dans la mer Baltique.
💬 "Nous continuerons à exposer les Occidentaux "au grand jour'", a déclaré Dmitry Polyansky, Premier vice-président de la Russie auprès de l'ONU.
Translated from French by
⚡️🇷🇺 Russia has called for an open meeting of the UN Security Council on the anniversary of the Nord Stream bombing
The meeting is scheduled to start on September 26
This date marks the anniversary of the sabotage of pipelines in the Baltic Sea.
💬 "We will continue to expose Westerners 'in the open',"
said Dmitry Polyansky, Russia's First Vice President to the UN.

These who need to understand do understand.


On the 27-09-2023 Russia has revealed (indirectly) who was behind the #Nordstream affair: announcement

Russia at the United Nations @RussiaUN #Nebenzia: Some Western delegations directly pointed out at UNSC meetings that the disruption of #NordStream had been a response to Russia's actions in #Ukraine. Such candid confessions would have allowed even a novice investigator to conclude this case without much trouble.



Uncovering the truth took over two years of self-funded, tireless investigation.
I decided to open it for free, no paywall, despite huge investment.
Because the truth matters.
Please consider supporting my work with a donation.

Every bit helps keep this mission alive!

(retweet and follow)

Thursday, September 7, 2023

067 - The Hall-of-Fame & Wall-of-shame: III. Newspapers & Journalists

 Who everybody got information about this investigation?

Part III. Newspapers in Europe

*(basically, I contacted these all, I will slowly add links, neither one answered)


@krone_at - contacted
@derStandardat - contacted
@oe24at - contacted
@kurierat - contacted
@nachrichten_at - contacted
@diePressecom - contacted
@WienerZeitung - contacted
@sn_aktuell - contacted
@puls24news - contacted
@tirolnews - contacted
@wirtschaftsblatt - contacted
@noen_online - contacted
@KronenZeitung - contacted  
@KleineZeitung - contacted  
@volksblatt - contacted
@SN_aktuell - contacted  


@levif - contacted
@dhnet_tv - contacted
@RTBFinfo - contacted
@demorgen - contacted
@tijd - contacted
@lesoir - contacted
@lalibrebe - contacted
@Nieuwsblad_be - contacted
@lecho - contacted
@HLN_BE - contacted
@Knack - contacted

@Mediapoolbg - contacted
@24chasa_bg - contacted
@Capitalbg - contacted
@novinitebg - contacted
@BulgariaONAIR - contacted
@OffNewsbg - contacted


@vecernji_list - contacted
@tportal - contacted
@CroatiaWeek - contacted
@glasslavonije - contacted
@24sata_hr - contacted
@dnevnikhr - contacted
@DirektnoHR - contacted
@indexhr - contacted
@Poslovni - contacted

Republic of Cyprus

@cyprusmail - contacted
@Kathimerini_gr - contacted
@politis_news - contacted
@sigmalivecom - contacted
@inCYpruscom - contacted
@AlithiaNews - contacted
@HavadisGazetesi - contacted
@FamagustaNews - contacted
@imerologio_gr - contacted
@parikiaki - contacted
@GoldNewsCy - contacted
@ReportCy - contacted
@NewsofCyprus - contacted

Czech Republic

@novinkycz - contacted
@idnes - contacted
@lidovky - contacted
@MF_Dnes - contacted
@Hospodarky - contacted
@pravo - contacted
@Blesk24 - contacted
@denik - contacted
@czechcrunch - contacted
@Reflex_cz - contacted
@TydenCz - contacted
@cnnprima - contacted
@ceskenoviny_cz - contacted
@ZpravyCZ - contacted


@politiken - contacted
@berlingske - contacted
@btdk - contacted
@finansdk - contacted
@jyllandsposten - contacted
@dagbladet - contacted
@ekstrabladet - contacted


@Postimees - contacted
@errnews - contacted
@EestiPaevaleht - contacted
@tartupostimees - contacted
@EestiEkspress - contacted


@hsfi - contacted
@iltalehti_fi - contacted
@yleuutiset - contacted
@iltasanomat - contacted
@Aamulehti - contacted
@ksmlfi - contacted
@Talouselama - contacted
@SuomenKuvalehti - contacted
@TurunSanomat - contacted
@KarjalainenFi - contacted
@demokraatti_fi - contacted
@uusisuomi - contacted
@SatakunnanKansa - contacted


@lobs - contacted
@lesoir - contacted
@LaCroix - contacted
@humanite_fr - contacted
@le_Parisien - contacted
@RFI - contacted
@leJDD - contacted
@CourrierPicard - contacted
@lemondefr - contacted
@Le_Figaro - contacted
@mediapart - contacted
@LePoint - contacted
@20Minutes - contacted


@zeitonline - contacted
@welt - contacted
@faznet - contacted
@SZ - contacted
@handelsblatt - contacted
@tazgezwitscher - contacted
@Tagesspiegel - contacted
@NZZ - contacted
@Morgenpost - contacted
@FAZ_Politik - contacted
@Suedkurier_News - contacted
@mopo - contacted
@BMOnline_pol - contacted
@BILD - contacted
@SPIEGELONLINE - contacted
@derspiegel - contacted


@naftemporikigr - contacted
@news247gr - contacted
@newpostgr - contacted
@capitalgr - contacted
@Dimokratia_gr - contacted
@parapolitika - contacted
@Kathimerini_gr - contacted
@protagon_gr - contacted
@thetoc_gr - contacted
@EthnosGr - contacted
@iefimerida - contacted
@neoskosmos - contacted

    @Origo_hu - contacted
    @MagyarNemzetDE - contacted
    @atv_hu - contacted
    @indexhu - contacted
    @444hu - contacted
    @nepszava - contacted
    @telexhu - contacted
    @hvg_hu - contacted
    @LaStampa - contacted
    @LaVeritaWeb - contacted
    @ilsole24ore - contacted
    @Avvenire_Nei - contacted
    @fattoquotidiano - contacted
    @ilmessaggeroit - contacted
    @repubblica - contacted
    @ilpost - contacted
    @ilgiornale - contacted
    @Gazzetta_it - contacted
    @Corriere - contacted

    @telegraaf - contacted
    @parool - contacted
    @DeGroene - contacted
    @FD_Nieuws - contacted
    @volkskrant - contacted
    @trouw - contacted
    @nrc - contacted
    @adnl - contacted


    @rzeczpospolita - contacted
    @wirtualnapolska - contacted
    @SuperExpressTV - contacted
    @fakt24pl - contacted
    @Tygodnik_Sieci - contacted
    @RadioZET_NEWS - contacted
    @polskieradio24 - contacted
    @gazeta_wyborcza - contacted
    @tvn24 - contacted
    @NiezaleznaPL - contacted
    @DGPrawna - contacted
    @tvp_info - contacted
    @SE_pl - contacted

    @Publico - contacted
    @expresso - contacted
    @JornalNoticias - contacted
    @SICNoticias - contacted
    @RTPNoticias - contacted
    @TVI - contacted
    @JNegocios - contacted
    @Dinheiro_vivo - contacted
    @eco_pt - contacted
    @ObservadorPt - contacted
    @Renascenca - contacted


    @Libertatea - contacted
    @hotnews_ro - contacted
    @Ziaruldeiasi - contacted
    @adevarul - contacted
    @ziarul_gandul - contacted
    @stiripesurse_ro - contacted

    @aktualne_sk - contacted
    @aktuality_sk - contacted
    @dennikn - contacted
    @pravda_sk - contacted
    @teraz_sk - contacted


    @Delo - contacted
    @Dnevnik_si - contacted
    @Finance_si - contacted
    @vecer - contacted
    @24ur_com - contacted
    @rtvslo - contacted
    @SiolNEWS - contacted
    @POP_TV - contacted
    @Nova24TV - contacted


    @elmundoes - contacted
    @elpais_espana - contacted
    @ABC_es - contacted
    @larazon_es - contacted
    @elconfidencial - contacted
    @publico_es - contacted
    @LaVanguardia - contacted
    @elperiodico - contacted
    @ExpansionMx - contacted
    @20m - contacted
    @diariosevilla - contacted
    @diarioas - contacted
    @elespanolcom - contacted
    @ideal_granada - contacted


    @svtnyheter - contacted
    @SvD - contacted
    @Expressen - contacted
    @Aftonbladet - contacted
    @SverigesRadio - contacted
    @Sydsvenskan - contacted
    @dagensindustri - contacted
    @Nyheter24 - contacted



    Individual journalists were also informed.

    • For example, for these German from journalists I have created long explanatory thread:


    It was after their trip to Andromeda, I asked them questions but neither one replied. I even sent to some email, and yes, no surprise there, confirmation of delivery were received, blog was checked but then ... nothing.

    • Same with Norwegians, Swedish, Finnish and Danish attempt to make a documentary. I asked them questions about irregularities but nothing, no answer ever.

    • There is also one long very German thread, also very long... perhaps I will create a post one day.

    • Other times I just made from screenshots several gifs which I shared with journalists, like here


    All in all very many journalists seen my investigation yet they for some reason have overlooked it, or intentionally ignored it. 

    You have to ask them why. 


    Uncovering the truth took over two years of self-funded, tireless investigation.
    I decided to open it for free, no paywall, despite huge investment.
    Because the truth matters.
    Please consider supporting my work with a donation.

    Every bit helps keep this mission alive!

    (retweet and follow)
    Buy Me A Coffee
    This blog post serves as a progress report on an ongoing ONLY PUBLIC OPEN investigation into the Nord Stream pipeline explosions.
    If you enjoy my work, consider supporting me by buying a coffee. It helps me stay awake during long creative nights.