Thursday, August 8, 2024

Viktor Orbán on Nordstream affair: "under American direction"

This is part of Viktor Orbán´s speech about Nord Stream affair:

Orbán’s full speech here.

Speaking at the Tusvanos summer camp in Romania, Viktor Orbán said that:

"...The fifth important new lesson from reality: European policy-making has collapsed. Europe has given up defending its own interests: all that Europe is doing today is unconditionally following the foreign policy line of the US Democratseven at the cost of its own self-destruction

The sanctions we have imposed are damaging fundamental European interests: they are driving up energy prices and making the European economy uncompetitive.

We let the blowing up of the Nord Stream pipeline go unchallenged;  

Germany itself let an act of terrorism against its own property — which was obviously carried out under US direction — go unchallenged, and we are not saying a word about it, we are not investigating it, we do not want to clarify it, we do not want to raise it in a legal context

In the same way, we failed to do the right thing in the case of the phone tapping of Angela Merkel, which was carried out with the assistance of Denmark. So this is nothing but an act of submission..."


Since the war broke out, a different centre and a different axis of power has been established. The Berlin–Paris axis no longer exists — or if it does, it has become irrelevant and liable to be bypassed. The new power centre and axis comprises London, Warsaw, Kiev/Kyiv, the Baltics and the Scandinavians.

Summary: Viktor Orbán does not state that the mission against Nordstream was executed bz the USA but is hinting that the USA was aware of it and green-lighted the mission done by someone else. This view is fully consistent with the investigation, evidence and data.

Note that he also states that "we let ... the crime ...unchallenged" as if it was some joint decision. This is again consistent with this investigation - this post.
[MRT - Thanks to Thomas Fazi and his article here from which the particular part about Nordstream is copied.]

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