Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Astana S.E. Naryshkin statement about Nordstream

7 October 2024 - RU: Speech by the Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia S.E. Naryshkin at the 55th meeting of the Council of Heads of Security Agencies and Special Services of the CIS Member States on October 4 this year in Astana

Dear colleagues,

It would not be superfluous to recall the terrorist background of the explosion of the Nord Stream gas pipelines in September 2022.

The investigation of this sabotage in the West is still ongoing, but its progress does not allow us to hope that the true culprits of the incident will be identified and punished.

Russia has repeatedly requested data on the explosions from the Europeans, but has never received it.

Western media are trying to blame a group of Ukrainian amateur submariners who allegedly acted independently.

However, this version is designed for a naive layman. The SVR has reliable information about the direct involvement of the United States and Great Britain in this major terrorist attack.

According to available data, professional saboteurs from the Anglo-Saxon special services were involved in its organization, preparation and implementation.

The American administration considered it justified to commit such sabotage in order to ensure the separation of Europe and, above all, Germany from Russia.

Washington was not sure that they would be able to convince the Europeans to abandon the use of the Nord Streams, which were extremely beneficial for the European economy, and so the pipelines were destroyed.

The facts presented confirm that the Anglo-Saxons consider it justified to use any means, not excluding terrorism, to achieve their geopolitical goals.

By "pumping" the criminal Kiev regime with jihadists and weapons, the US and Great Britain are confidently moving towards becoming state sponsors of terrorism.

They will bear responsibility for this. As the old saying goes, the wind that sows will inevitably reap the storm.

26 Sept 2024 - RU: The Anglo-Saxons are planting a new information bomb under Nord Stream
The Press Bureau of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation issued a statement of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service in connection with the anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the Nord Stream gas pipelines.

Two years after the explosion of the Nord Stream pipeline, Western countries not only have not conducted an investigation, but are also trying to fabricate its results.

The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service continues to collect information about the circumstances of the series of explosions in the Baltic Sea on September 26, 2022. New information is constantly arriving, confirming the thesis already voiced by the Director of the Service S.E. Naryshkin about the involvement of the Anglo-Saxons in these incidents. The available intelligence information clearly indicates that the attacks on the pipelines are an act of international terrorism and economic warfare by the Anglo-Saxons against their European allies, primarily Germany.

Since 2022, Washington and London have been systematically trying to remove the topic of sabotage on the Nord Streams from the international information agenda. Despite this, we note that in Western countries, at the level of independent politicians and experts, there remains a demand for reliable information about the causes and organizers of this terrorist attack.

The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service has information about a decision made in the United States and Great Britain to carry out a disinformation campaign to cover up the true purpose of the sabotage and its organizers in the run-up to the next anniversary of the explosions.

Since August of this year, structures and media controlled by Washington and London have been spreading the story that the attacks were carried out exclusively by Ukrainian extremists acting independently.

Despite the fact that this version does not stand up to criticism, it has already been imposed on the German investigative bodies as the main one.

They have been given an ultimatum to complete the investigation by the end of the year in an accelerated manner, blame the terrorist attack on “Ukrainian adventurers who hate Russia,” and remove transatlantic cooperation from harm’s way.

The terrorist attack on Nord Stream caused irreparable damage to the European economy.

In this regard, the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service hopes that an objective investigation will nevertheless be conducted.

9 Oct 2022 - RU: The Russian Federation has evidence of the involvement of the United States and Great Britain in the destruction of Nord Streams, the publication of which will depend on the situation, Zakharova said.

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