Wednesday, October 9, 2024

NATO Joint Force Command Brunssum, Commander JFCBS, General Luigi Guglielmo Miglietta and Nordstream affair

The Nordstream affair was a naval military operation 
conducted by one large NATO state.

The Nordstream affair management at the NATO level

31 May 2022 - UK/NED/NATO: Commander MARCOM visits JFC Brunssum: Brunssum, The Netherlands – 

On Tuesday 31 May, Commander Allied Maritime Command (COM MARCOM), Vice Admiral Keith Blount, Royal Navy, visited Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum (JFCBS).

Based in Northwood, United Kingdom, MARCOM is the primary headquarters responsible for maritime forces assigned to NATO. These forces typically come under one of two groups of Frigates and Destroyers known as Standing NATO Maritime Groups (SNMG 1 & 2) – or Mine Countermeasures groups known as Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Groups (SNMCMG 1 & 2)

[MRT: The NATO naval HQ for European theatre is located in London, Northwoods.] 

14 July 2022 - NATO Joint Force Command Brunssum - JFCBS: @NATOJFCBS: Commander,

@NATOJFCBS, General Guglielmo Luigi Miglietta welcomed today Commander @hqmncne Lieutenant General Jürgen-Joachim von Sandrart

[MRT: Note that Germany and some other allies got supposedly a heads up strategic warning in June/July that there is a threat to Nordstream pipelines.]  

8 Sept 2022 - UK/NATO: Commander Allied Maritime Command (COM MARCOM), Vice Admiral Keith Blount Royal Navy, visited Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum (JFCBS).

The main purpose of this visit was to maintain and develop the already close relationship between the two headquarters and to discuss the how this should evolve with the changing security context.

[MRT: The UK changed its security structures just before the event - see here. And Truss became the new PM on 06-09-2022. Here is UK´s statements about Nordtsream - vast data from 2022 and before is collected in this post - here]   

Under NATO’s new Strategic Concept, agreed at the Madrid Summit after Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine, the Alliance is strengthening its ability to deter aggression and defend every inch of Alliance territory.

Based in Northwood, United Kingdom, MARCOM is the primary headquarters responsible for maritime forces assigned to NATO.

[MRT: Nordstream affair was a naval mission conducted by a state actor. The NATO naval HQ is located in London, Northwoods. The perpetrator had to somehow "manage" the data and information flow. The HQ is in the same place as Royal Navy HQ and JEF HQ.]  


22 Sept 2022 - NATO: Strong Forward-Presence in Lithuania - Brunssum, The Netherlands –'

Wednesday 21 September, Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum (JFCBS) hosted a visit by Brigadier General Mindaugas Steponavičius, Lithuania’s Deputy Chief of Defence.

[MRT: In Lithuania, Klaipeda a German led Northern coasts exercise was about to begin - see here. Data point that Germany and France may have had already some information about the threat. During this time US Naval forces located in Baltic sea suddenly withdrew - post here 

The security environment in the Euro-Atlantic area continues to evolve

The main purpose of the visit was to exchange views on the current situation in the region and to discuss ways the Alliance might adapt to evolving challenges.

[MRT: based on data on 19-09-2022 the UK blew a whistle about the UK´s mission. It is possible that a discussion about the future steps was taking place...] 

 [MRT: another data trace hints to a false data presented to German led navy at Norther Coasts exercise to focus on the wrong part of the Baltic sea where Russia was supposedly planning their attack on SWE-LIT cable.] 

23 Sept 2022 - NATO/GER: General Miglietta, Commander #NATO Joint Force Command Brunssum, visited Berlin yesterday

On the top of the agenda: further strengthening our military readiness at #NATO’s northern and eastern flanks. Thank for your visit! #WeAreNATO  @NATOJFCBS

[MRT: The USA may have warned Germany and France about the attack then withdrew from the Baltic Sea - post with data here

27 Sept 2022 - GER/NATO: Brunssum, The Netherlands – Last week, General Miglietta - Commander Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum (JFCBS) - paid a two-day visit to the German Ministry of Defence, in Berlin.

The purpose of the trip was: to exchange views on current Alliance military vigilance activities in Northern Europe; and to discuss synchronisation of operational plans, national contributions and upcoming exercises.

The Commander met with General Eberhard Zorn, the German Chief of Defence, Lieutenant General Gunter Schneider, Director General for Security and Defence Policy, as well as other key stakeholders in the Ministry of Defence.

[MRT: The data of this hypothesis support the chain of events in which Norway warned USA on 19-09-2022 about the possible attack in the Baltic Sea - see post here.]  

27 Sept 2022 - PL/NATO: Brunssum, The Netherlands – Commander Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum (JFCBS), General Guglielmo Luigi Miglietta, visited with the highest echelons of senior Polish military leaders in Warsaw

The trip was the General’s first visit with Polish key leaders since taking command at JFCBS. Through the visit, General Miglietta met with a variety of senior Polish military leaders, including: Chief of Defence of Poland, General Rajmund T. Andrzejczak; Commander General Command, General Jarosław Mika; and Commander Operations Command Lieutenant General Tomasz Piotrowski.

General Miglietta discussed a wide range of topics with Polish senior leaders, including the current state of the Baltic region, and Poland’s perspective regarding the situation at its eastern border.

[MRT: Note that Poland run series of naval exercises just before the Nordstream was blown up - see post here. Not also that US navy has left unexpectedly Baltic sea - see post here, but left one ship behind to keep an eye on Kaliningrad - see here. One innteresting part was when paul Ignatius came for 1h update to th port on the day of the event - see here.]   

27 Sept 2022 - NATO: Sztab Generalny WP - General Guglielmo Luigi Miglietta, Commander of Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum (JFC)

...was the guest of the head of @SztabGenWP today. @NATOJFCBC is one of two NATO operational commands in Europe, along with @JFC_Naples

[MRT: NATO was very active the week before and after the event. Poland was very close to the event. Hungary is very dependable on secure Russian gas flows.]

28 Sept 2022 - PL/NATO: General Guglielmo Luigi Miglietta, Commander of Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum, visited @DowOperSZ. 

During the meeting with the operational commander of the RSZ, the generals discussed the current security situation in the region and further cooperation between the Commands. 

[MRT: NATO was very active the week before and after the event. Poland was very close to the event. Hungary is very dependable on secure Russian gas flows.]

 28 Sept 2022 - NATO Joint Force Command Brunssum - JFCBS: 

Representatives of Allied & Partner Nations HQs have gathered at JFCBS to optimize current defensive plans. The event has enabled JFCBS & other HQs to reinforce existing relationships & build stronger tactical plans.

[MRT: In the aftermath of the Nordstream attack - optimizing current defensive plans sounds quite suspicious that one member of the alliance was involved and that there is a general knowledge at the NATO heads level - as to what exactly happened and who blew up Nordstream.

29 Sept 2022 - NATO/FRA/USA: French Carrier Strike Group - 

Rich conversation between @USNavyEurope and the FR carrier strike group #FrenchCSG.

[MRT: Two nuclear powers, but no UK in the talks this time] 

Sharing of analyses and challenges on the Mediterranean Sea @Cecmed. Strengthening of operational links between our maritime forces which often operate together.

2 Oct 2022 - NATO/HUN: Brunssum, The Netherlands – The Chief of Defence of the Hungarian Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Romulusz Ruszin-Szendi, Hungarian Army, visited HQ JFC Brunssum.

The current geopolitical situation impose us to continue to strengthen our ties in the same manner to the benefit of international peace and security Commander JFC Brunssum, General Guglielmo Luigi Miglietta, welcomed the Hungarian Chief of Defence.

3 Oct 2022 - NATO/EE/LAT/LIT: Brunssum, The Netherlands – Commander Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum (JFCBS), General Guglielmo Luigi Miglietta, 

hosted Ambassadors and Military Representatives from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania at JFCBS Headquarters

[MRT: Based on the presence of 3 Baltic states this was about Nordstream affair and the security i the area..]  

The distinguished visitors among the group included: Ambassador Jüri Luik, Permanent Representative (PERMREP), and Major General Indrek Sirel, Military Representative (MILREP), for Estonia to NATO; Ambassador Edgars Skuja, PERMREP, and Ivo Mogilnijs, MILREP, for Latvia to NATO; and Ambassador Deividas Matulionis, PERMREP, and Paulius Venclovas, MILREP, for Lithuania to NATO.

The group of senior representatives spent the day together, discussing a wide range of topics including an historical synopsis and future outlook of JFCBS, the status of ongoing JFCBS operations, and an overview of the ongoing situation in Europe and NATO’s possible courses of action to reduce regional tensions.

[MRT: Attack on Nordtsream was clearly not a joint NATO mission but it is a duty to prevent escalation. This points to a member state being involved. What hystorical synopsis could justify the attack on a key European infrastructure?]  

5 Oct 2022 - SPA/NATO: Spanish Ambassador visits JFC Brunssum: Brunssum, The Netherlands – 

Headquarters Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum (JFCBS) hosted Her Excellency, Ms Consuelo Femenía Guardiola, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain to the Netherlands, Wednesday 5th October.

[MRT: Spanish NAVY together with French Navy have been very active the week before the event happened. There is a claim that the information about the threat existed and it was shared among NATO members. Note that USA did NOT participate (or was hesitant) with the UK Navy afterwards. More posts about this later.]   

6 Oct 2022 - NATO: NATO Joint Force Command Brunssum - JFCBS, @NATOJFCBS: 

The biggest military exercise in the 🇬🇧,"Joint Warrior" is well-underway.

[MRT: Serious question - why is UK flag missing?] 

Vessels from 🇺🇸 🇵🇱 🇩🇰 🇳🇴 🇩🇪 🇳🇱 🇨🇦 🇫🇷 🇱🇻 with more than 11 000 sailors, soldiers and aircrew participate in a 12-day exercise around the British Isles.


12 Oct 2022 - NATO/NED: NATO Headquarters Commander Discusses Dutch NATO Contributions with General Eichelsheim

The impact of the war in Ukraine on the security situation in Europe. Among other things, Commander of the Armed Forces General Onno Eichelsheim spoke about this yesterday with General Guglielmo Luigi Miglietta. The Italian has been commander of the Joint Force Command Brunssum (JFCBS), one of NATO's operational headquarters, located in South Limburg, since 3 June.

24 October 2022 - USA/SPA/GER: GRFCSG and three Nato allied nations conclude Task Force Exercise 23-2

The exercise coincided with GRFCSG’s inaugural deployment with Nato allied nations in the Atlantic.

One ship each from the three Nato countries, including Spain, Canada and Germany, participated in the exercise.

Participating vessels included the Royal Canadian Navy’s Halifax-class frigate HMCS Fredericton (FFH 337), Spanish Navy’s Alvaro De Bazan-class ship ESPS Alvaro De Bazan (F 101) and German Navy’s Sachsen-class ship FGS Hessen (F 221). 

[MRT: Still UK flag and representation is missing. The largest European naval country.] 

8-9 Nov 2022 - NATO: Allied Joint Force Command (JFC) Brunssum hosted a Conference of the NATO Chiefs of Defence of countries in JFC Brunssum’s Area of Responsibility.

Change is inevitable, but we must adapt without compromising our core task of collective defence

Commander JFCBS, General Luigi Guglielmo Miglietta, welcomed nearly 30 senior Generals and Admirals together with their delegations from around 20 NATO and Partner Nations. The conference provided a unique opportunity to personally meet and discuss issues vital for the future of the Alliance in JFC Brunssum’s Area of Responsibility (AOR).

As well as Chiefs of Defence or their representatives, delegations attended from NATO Component Commands such as the Land, Air, and Maritime Component Commands (LANDCOM, AIRCOM, MARCOM), as well as from the sister Joint Force Commands of Naples and Norfolk.

During his opening remarks, General Miglietta called the NATO and partner nations represented at this conference “a community at the heart of the defence of Europe.”

The participation of so many high ranking military representatives sends “a clear sign we all stand together, in the spirit of good cooperation, and desire to protect our shared values of freedom and democracy.

These are the principles of our defensive Alliance, even more so in these stormy times”, the Commander continued.

16 Nov 2022 - NATO: Brunssum, the Netherlands –

Senior leaders from Allied Joint Force Command (JFC) Brunssum hosted representatives from the European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats (Hybrids CoE).

21 Nov 2022 - NATO JFC Naples: JFC Naples welcomed the @NATOJFCBS commander, General Guglielmo Luigi Miglietta, to JFC Naples last Friday. 

Gen. Miglietta visited with the @JFC_NaplesNaples commander, Adm. Stuart B. Munsch and discussed their  respective commands' roles in protecting the Alliance.

Older post about the same topic:

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