Wednesday, November 8, 2023

074 - The Hall-of-Fame & Wall-of-shame: IV. Non-EUropean Ministries of Foreign affairs

  Who everybody got information about this investigation?

Part IV. Non-European Foreign ministers

Foreign ministries were informed by my tweets, e.g. here

African countries
Angola: @angola_Mirex - Ministério das Relações Exteriores/MRE -(Angola)

Burkina Faso: @BurkinaMae - Ministère des Affaires Etrangères, de la Coopération Régionale et des Burkinabè de l'Extérieur - MAECRBE

Burundi: @BurundiGov

Cameroon: @PRCameroun

Central African Republic (CAR): @CARP_MAE

Comoros: @Comoros_Diplom

Democratic Republic of the Congo: @Diplomatie_RDC

Cote d'Ivoire: @MFA_CI

Djibouti: @DjiboutiMAE

Equatorial Guinea: @MAE_Guinea

Eswatini (formerly Swaziland): @EswatiniGovern1

Guinea: @MAEGuinee

Guinea-Bissau: @Gubissau_Mae

Lesotho: @LesothoMFA

Liberia: @LiberiaMFA

Madagascar: @DiplomatieMG

Mauritania: @MauritanieMae

Mozambique: @MofaMoz

Namibia: @NamibiaMFA

Nigeria: @NigeriaMFA

Sao Tome and Principe: @MNESTP

Seychelles: @SeychellesFAD

Sierra Leone: @Presidency_SL

South Africa: @DIRCO_ZA

South Sudan: @mfa_southsudan

Tunisia: @DiplomatieTn

Zambia: @Mofazambia

Zimbabwe: @MinisterSBMnangagwa (bad handle?)

Chad: @Diplo_Tchad (bad handle?)

Libya: @LyMofa

Togo: @MFA_Togo

Egypt: @MfaEgypt

Gabon: @GabonMae

Sudan: @Sudan_MOFA (bad handle?)

Cabo Verde: @MNECV

Republic of the Congo: @diplocg

Eritrea: @hawelti

Ethiopia: @mfaethiopia

Ghana: @GhanaMFA

Malawi: @MalawiMFA

Rwanda: @RwandaMFA (bad handle?)

Senegal: @mae_senegal (bad handle?)

Somalia: @MofaSomalia (bad handle?)

Uganda: @MofaUganda (bad handle?)

South American countries

Bolivia - @MRE_Bolivia

Brazil - @Itamaraty_EN

Chile - @Minrel_Chile

Colombia - @CancilleriaCol

Guyana - @GynaMinofaffrs

Suriname - @BuZaSuriname

Uruguay - @MRREE_Uruguay

Venezuela - @CancilleriaVE

Argentina - @CancilleriaARG

Ecuador - @CancilleriaEc

Paraguay - @MREParaguay


Asian countries:

Afghanistan - @mfa_afghanistan

Azerbaijan - @AzerbaijanMFA

Bangladesh - @MdShahriarAlam

Brunei - @mofa_brunei

Cambodia - @Cambodia_MFA

Georgia - @MFAgovge

Indonesia - @Menlu_RI

Iraq - @Iraqimofa

Israel - @IsraelMFA


Kyrgyzstan - @MFA_Kyrgyzstan

Lebanon - @LebMFA

Malaysia - @MalaysiaMFA

Mongolia - @MFA_Mongolia

Nepal - @MofaNepal

North Korea - @MFA_DPRK

Pakistan - @ForeignOfficePk

Philippines - @DFAPHL

South Korea - @MOFAkr_eng

Sri Lanka - @MFA_SriLanka

Tajikistan - @MFA_Tajikistan

Timor-Leste - @MNE_TimorLeste

United Arab Emirates - @MoFAICUAE

Vietnam - @MOFAVietNam

Hong Kong - @HongKongGo

Bahrain - @bahdiplomatic

China - @MFA_China 

Not done yet


Kazakhstan - @MFA_KZ

Maldives - @MDVForeign

Myanmar - @MOFAMyanmar

Palestine - @Palestine_UN

Singapore - @MFAsg

Taiwan - @MOFA_Taiwan

Turkey - @MFATurkey

Uzbekistan - @MFA_Uzbekistan

Armenia - @MFAofArmenia

Laos - @MofaLaos


Thailand - @MFAThai

Bhutan - @MFABhutan

Saudi Arabia - @KSAMOFA

Not found yet

India -

Yemen -




Turkmenistan -

Syria -

Yemen -


Uncovering the truth took over two years of self-funded, tireless investigation.
I decided to open it for free, no paywall, despite huge investment.
Because the truth matters.
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