Thursday, September 7, 2023

065 - The Hall-of-Fame & Wall-of-shame: I. EUropean Ministries of Foreign affairs

 Who everybody got information about this investigation?

Part I. EUropean Foreign ministers

Foreign ministries were informed by this tweet

Foreign ministries have not informed about Nordstream affair public enough:

Austria - @MFA_Austria - Austrian Foreign Ministry tweets

Belgium - @BelgiumMFA - Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperatio tweets

Bulgaria - @MFABulgaria - Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria tweets 

Croatia - @MVEP_hr - Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Croatia tweets 

Cyprus - @CyprusMFA - Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus tweets

Czechia - @CzechMFA - Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs tweets 

Denmark - @DanishMFA - Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark tweets

Estonia - @MFAestonia - Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Estonia - tweets

Finland - @Ulkoministerio - Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland - tweets

France - @francediplo_EN - French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs - tweets

Germany - @GermanyDiplo - German Foreign Office NS tweets here

Greece - @GreeceMFA - Υπουργείο Εξωτερικών tweets here

Hungary - @HungaryMofa - Hungary Foreign Affairs tweets here

Ireland - @dfatirl - Irish Foreign Ministry tweets here

Italy - @ItalyMFA_int - Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy  tweets

Latvia - @Latvian_MFA - Latvian MFA tweets

Lithuania - @LithuaniaMFA - Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania tweets

Luxemburg - @MFA_Lu - Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg tweets

Malta - @MFETMalta - Ministry for Foreign Affairs, EU Affairs & Trade of the Republic of Malta tweets

Netherlands - @DutchMFA - Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs tweets

Poland - @PolandMFA - Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland tweets

Portugal - @Portugal_MoFA - Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Portugal tweets

Romania - @MAERomania Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affair tweets

Slovakia - @SlovakiaMFA - Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic tweets

Slovenia - @govSlovenia - Slovenian Government tweets

Spain - @SpainMFA - Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation of Spain tweets

Sweden - @SweMFA - Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs tweets

Summary: It is quite unusual that Foreign ministries are not interested to share any information about the Nordstream affair with public. There are barely 5 tweets in total post 26/09/2022.

One can use advanced X/Twitter function - targeted search by author which contains certain keywords e.g. "Nord Stream (from:LithuaniaMFA)". You can see each account posts. 

Russian statement from the following day - 7 Sept 2023

(It followed a day after my tweet to different foreign ministries)

Sprecherin des Außenministeriums der Russischen Föderation Maria Sacharowa

💬 Die Behauptung Deutschlands, Dänemarks und Schwedens, sie würden Russland über den Fortgang der nationalen Ermittlungen zum Terroranschlag auf die Gasleitungen Nord Stream informieren, entspricht nicht der Wirklichkeit. Es gibt keinerlei Informationen von irgendeiner Seite. Unsere Ersuchen um gemeinsame Ermittlungen bzw. um den Beitritt zu den bereites laufenden Untersuchungen wurden zurückgewiesen. Auch der Aufruf des Regierungsvorsitzenden der Russischen Föderation Michail Mischustin, man soll in der Sache zusammenarbeiten, wurde ignoriert. Zur Bestätigung haben wir am 14. März 2023 den Schriftverkehr mit den zuständigen Behörden der genannten EU-Länder als offizielles Dokument des Sicherheitsrates und der Vollversammlung der Vereinten Nationen (S/2023/193) veröffentlicht. Aus diesem wird ersichtlich, dass der Wille, die russische Seite in die einschlägigen nationalen Untersuchungen zum — wie sie es nennen - «Sabotageakt» einzubinden, nicht gegeben ist. Am 25. August 2023 haben wir im Sicherheitsrat und in der Vollversammlung erneut ein Schreiben (S/2023/627) verbreitet, in dem die Abfolge der Entwicklungen und unsere Einschätzungen der aktuellen Situation ausführlich darlegt sind.

💬 Wir beobachten indessen, dass mangels ernsthafter Hinweise auf Russlands Täterschaft der westliche Block daran arbeitet, eine Nichtbeteiligung an der Vernichtung der kritischen Energieinfrastruktur vorzutäuschen. Als «Leaks» und Desinformationen aus nicht genannten Quellen werden verschiedene Darstellungen verbreitet, um mehr oder weniger den Anschein von irgendeiner Aktivität zu erwecken. Es ist schwierig, vorherzusagen, wozu diese Bemühungen führen werden. Fakt ist, dass die jeweils unter Federführung der nationalen Behörden Deutschlands, Dänemarks und Schwedens laufenden Ermittlungen nicht öffentlich und immer weniger glaubhaft sind.

💬 Wir werden auch in Zukunft die internationale Gemeinschaft auf diesen — aus meiner Sicht — Terrorakt lenken und uns für unvoreingenommene und sorgfältige Untersuchungen einsetzen. In die Luft gesprengt worden ist ein ausschließlich friedliches Projekt, das für Energiesicherheit sorgt und verschiedene Länder als Teilnehmer umfasst. Die Sprengung erfolgte nach allen Regeln eines Terrorakts. Mehr noch, auch die Umwelt hat einen Schaden davongetragen. Hinzu kommen immense finanzielle Verluste, die mit den Staaten und Privatbetreibern der Gasleitungen verschiedene Seiten einstecken mussten. So zu tun, als wäre nichts geschehen - und wenn was geschehen sein soll, so seis drum - wird nicht gelingen.

*** DeepL translation ***

Spokeswoman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Maria Zakharova.

💬 The claim of Germany, Denmark and Sweden that they will inform Russia about the progress of the national investigation into the terrorist attack on the Nord Stream gas pipelines does not correspond to reality. There is no information from any side. Our requests for joint investigation or joining the investigation that is already underway were rejected. The call of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin to cooperate in the matter was also ignored. To confirm this, on March 14, 2023, we published the correspondence with the relevant authorities of the above-mentioned EU countries as an official document of the Security Council and the General Assembly of the United Nations (S/2023/193). From this it is evident that there is no will to involve the Russian side in the relevant national investigations into what they call the "act of sabotage".  On August 25, 2023, we again circulated a letter (S/2023/627) in the Security Council and the General Assembly detailing the sequence of developments and our assessments of the current situation.

💬 Meanwhile, we observe that in the absence of serious evidence of Russia's perpetration, the Western bloc is working to feign non-involvement in the destruction of critical energy infrastructure. Various accounts are being circulated as "leaks" and disinformation from unnamed sources to give more or less the appearance of some activity. It is difficult to predict what these efforts will lead to. The fact is that the investigations underway in each case under the auspices of the national authorities of Germany, Denmark, and Sweden are not public and are increasingly less credible.

💬 We will continue to focus the international community's attention on this - in my view - act of terrorism and advocate for unbiased and thorough investigations. What was blown up was an exclusively peaceful project that provides energy security and includes various countries as participants. The blast was carried out according to all the rules of an act of terrorism. Even more, the environment has also suffered damage. In addition, immense financial losses were incurred by various parties, including the states and private operators of the gas pipelines.

Pretending that nothing happened - and if something did happen, so be it - will not succeed.  

Important Update 07/9/2022:

Update 19-09-2022

Nordstream Sabotage - Mortymer´s hypothesis

The result (based on available set of data):
-> Elements of the British gov. planned, prepared and launched the attack against EU critical infrastructure.

-> The mission was carried out as a part of wider national policies - energy, security, geo-strategical to name a few.

Secondary findings: 
-> Several top politicians from USA and EU learned about the possible  attack before it happened on 21-22 September 2022.
-> From the very beginning the narrative was shaped that it was a "sabotage" not another legal definition.
-> EU leaders decided to keep the identity of the suspected perpetrator non-public in October 2022.

The importance of my investigation:
-> My investigation is not decisive and needs to be properly checked, studied and evidence examined by independent investigators. 
Critical issue:
-> Existing SWE, DK and GER investigations seem to be compromised.

Kind request:
-> Please request proper international investigation.

If this case is not solved it will be a horrible precedent.

Thank you!

Citizen of EU.


Update On 28-10-2023:

An announcement about me concluding the investigation was sent to EU foreign ministers link.

Hoping they will understand and release the data.

There is no other way. 


Uncovering the truth took over two years of self-funded, tireless investigation.
I decided to open it for free, no paywall, despite huge investment.
Because the truth matters.
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