Examining the Nord Stream pipeline incidents.
Who really sabotaged Nord Stream—and why has the truth remained buried?
Sixteen massive posts reconstruct the critical events preceding and following the crime.
What emerges is a web of clues, evidence pointing to an audacious crime.
Events in chronological order:
227 - Nordstream affair Crime sequence reconstruction - PART 2 (2022 January )228 - Nordstream affair Crime sequence reconstruction - PART 3 (2022 February )
235 - Nordstream affair Crime sequence reconstruction - PART 10 (2022 September 1/3)
236 - Nordstream affair Crime sequence reconstruction - PART 11 (2022 September 2/3)
237 - Nordstream affair Crime sequence reconstruction - PART 12 (2022 September 3/3)
238 - Nordstream affair Crime sequence reconstruction - PART 13 (2022 October 1/2)
239 - Nordstream affair Crime sequence reconstruction - PART 14 (2022 October 2/2)
240 - Nordstream affair Crime sequence reconstruction - PART 15 (2022 November)
241 - Nordstream affair Crime sequence reconstruction - PART 16 (2022 December)
TIP: Get the 16 critical Nord Stream posts in one place - Download pdf version pack!
Events in chronological order:
227 - Nordstream affair Crime sequence reconstruction - PART 2 (2022 January )
228 - Nordstream affair Crime sequence reconstruction - PART 3 (2022 February )
235 - Nordstream affair Crime sequence reconstruction - PART 10 (2022 September 1/3)
236 - Nordstream affair Crime sequence reconstruction - PART 11 (2022 September 2/3)
237 - Nordstream affair Crime sequence reconstruction - PART 12 (2022 September 3/3)
238 - Nordstream affair Crime sequence reconstruction - PART 13 (2022 October 1/2)
239 - Nordstream affair Crime sequence reconstruction - PART 14 (2022 October 2/2)
240 - Nordstream affair Crime sequence reconstruction - PART 15 (2022 November)
241 - Nordstream affair Crime sequence reconstruction - PART 16 (2022 December)
Mortymer´s Hypothesis summary:
Complex investigation:
- 2.5 YEARS
- 16 PARTS
The Hypothesis concluded:
- 1 PRIME STATE ACTOR (Elements of UK´s government)
- 16 ASSOCIATED SUSSPECTS (cover up was led by US, GER, FRA + allies, EU, NATO)
Main parts:
- Step 0: Early general preparations (pre-2022) I
- Step 1: Planning & Preparations (January - August 2022) II, III, IV, V, VI
- Step 2: First mission leak (June 2022) VII
- Step 3: Intermezzo (July - August 2022) VIII, IX
- Step 4: The Whistleblower (1 - 19 September 2022) X
- Step 3: The messed up mission (19 - 26 September 2022) XI
- Step 4: The Shell shock what was not (26 -31 September 2022) XII
- Step 5: The Cover-UP (1 - 6 October 2022) XIII
- Step 6: The NPT crisis (7 - 30 October 2022) XIV
- Step 7: Managing Retaliation threat (November - December 2022) XV, XVI
Source Information:
- Official verifiable data strictly from Public domain
- No illegally obtained "unverifiable" leaks
- Just long slow tireless detective boring office work
- Data collection, management, analysis follows best practices
Important disclosure notes:
- This impartial self funded investigation takes in consideration only public domain data.
- This investigation is unofficial and in no way tries to replace official investigations.
- This investigation has informative character, other interpretations are theoretically possible.
- This investigation is based of vast amount of data and must be Peer Reviewed, Verified.
- There is no known inherent leanings or biases; impartial investigation of 17 suspect states.
- There are several gaps in the sequence where evidence is missing. Logic, connected data, statements testing, analysis, other corroborative evidence has been used to these uncertainties. Findings are cross referenced and cross verified where possible.
So far nobody was able to debunk this hypothesis!
Uncovering the truth took over two years of self-funded, tireless investigation.
I decided to open it for free, no paywall, despite huge investment.
Because the truth matters.
Please consider supporting my work with via
Buy-Me-Coffee donation.
Buy-Me-Coffee donation.
Every bit helps keep this mission alive!
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