Friday, September 27, 2024

DK - Christiansø harbor master about US ships

Ertholmene (formerly spelled Ærtholmene) 
is a small archipelago in Denmark. 
The largest island is Christiansø, 
whose name is often used with reference to the entire archipelago.

26-09-2022 - DK: For the first few days, 
the harbormaster on Christiansø "couldn't say a word". 
But today he can reveal a bit..
John Anker Nielsen


Previous posts about this event:


  1. 1. Do you have a link to a free version of the story. (I tried archive, but it did not work.) Hard to evaluate this, without looking at least at the whole article. And I'm sick of "free trials" that I forget to turn off, for just looking at one article.

    2. To me, the most interesting thing is not the Keersage going on/off AIS. That is sort of stuff we've seen for a while and all kinds of details like that (even of other countries, etc.). To me the most interesting thing is the "told not to talk about it". What is the NAME of the person who told him not to talk, why did he follow the instruction, etc. Following that thread seems more promising. Heck, even if it WAS just the Ukrainians, the way they kept the lid on details while the "investigation" was ongoing was just slimy.

    3. Do you remember that video about a dive safety guy who sounded an alarm during the exercise about divers down too long? It was some YTer. But what was interesting was that he got the video info before the bomb blast. I wonder if there's any connection to this latest info. And for that matter, would love to rewatch the video, but can't seem to find it using Google. Link?

  2. Dear Anonymous,
    Thank you for the comment. Let me try to answer.
    1. One can not repost full version of the story due to rights. I keep reposted content (I think) strictly c/p about the legal percentage of the story with proper link to the original source [all data is linked through the web link - click the date it was posted]. Authors sometimes ask for removing content.
    2. The interpretation of what happened is tricky. First, let´s see what available data there is. Kearsarge left Poland on 19th of September in a bit haste. They left there Paul Ignatius which was sending daily ASW helicopter looking at RU flotilla in Kaliningrad monitoring their moves. RU positioned into Kaliningrad enclave hypersonic anti ship missiles which is a huge threat to US navy which COULD spark bigger conflict.

    2. Note that about the same time this happened:

    3. And this (!)
    Sweden and Denmark sent there also two of their navy assets to monitor what was under (ASW capability)

    4. The US was sending there their OWN Poseidon P-8A from Norfolk to Keflavik for daily flights from 21-09-2022

    5. Put this together with the Norwegian warning on 19-09-2022 here:

    6. Then go through December 2023 investigation posts here (they describe what happened in Norfolk, Baltic sea,..):

    7. Add some other posts for cross-checking, cross-referencing (like how Truss went into hiding on 23-09-2022 in the middle of the Minibudget session where she was supposed to present the infamous mini-budget) and you have quite nice background to start to think what happened there...

  3. One important data, information and conclusion we must not forget, that there was some submarine or minisub, large manned/unmanned drone on the area and it was being checked by the USA. Its hydro-acoustic footprint has been recorded by DK and SWE navy on 21-24/09. The DK PM Mette Fredriksen flew to the UK, London to meet personally with Liz Truss afterwards. There is a very strong case for secret JEF agreement of letting NATO subs to pass undetected/unreported to public records.

  4. The Keersage going on/off AIS is a standard procedure and as we know that it left the Baltic Sea for "another reason"... as you can see here:

    Than reason, IMHO, is the US did not want to become the party in the conflict between European states (again).

    So the interpretation about what was the US doing there the week before is not so straight forward.

  5. I can't engage without a copy of the whole article, at least. You should feel the same way.

    1. There was no other useful info in the article.

      It was the UK, not the USA. USA left the Baltic sea because they were worried that Russia could attack them in a retaliatory strike - in spring it moved to Kaliningrad hypersonic anti ship missiles..

      If you read my posts you will know what happened.
