Monday, September 30, 2024

NEWS UPDATE: Nord Stream U-turn! Russia to sue four countries & Naryshkin´s statement

29 Sept 2024 - Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova announced 

that she would sue four European countries over the explosions of the Nord Stream and Nordstream 2 gas pipelines. She said that Russia had already officially filed pre-trial claims.

“ The explosions of the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines are a blatant act of international terrorism” Zakharova wrote on Facebook on the second anniversary of the events. She said the Russian government had filed official pre-trial claims against Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Switzerland.

29 Sept 2024 - Russia's foreign intelligence service SWR claims to have evidence that the Anglo-Saxons were involved in the destruction of the German-Russian Nord Stream gas pipeline in the Baltic Sea, reports.

"The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service is constantly collecting information about the circumstances of a series of explosions that occurred in the Baltic Sea on September 26, 2022. More and more new information is coming in, confirming the thesis of the head of the authority HE Naryshkin: that the Anglo-Saxons were involved in the incidents in question."

The agency also said that the available intelligence clearly indicates that the attacks on the Baltic Sea pipelines were an act of international terrorism and economic warfare by the Anglo-Saxons against their allies in Europe, primarily Germany.

Since 2022, the United States and Great Britain have been systematically trying to evade the topic of the sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipeline from global media coverage, Russian intelligence services note. And, further, they add:

"In addition, there are reports that before the second anniversary of the terrorist attack, Washington and London decided to conduct a disinformation campaign to conceal the true purpose of the sabotage and its organizers.

In addition, the intelligence services report that politicians and independent experts of Western countries have continued to show interest in obtaining reliable information about the causes and organizers of the terrorist attack.

29 Sept 2024 - Russian MFA Spokeswoman Maria #Zakharova:

- The sabotage of the #NordStream 1 and 2 pipelines is a blatant act of international terrorism.

- The West’s attempts to sweep this issue under the rug will not succeed.


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