Monday, September 23, 2024

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg - another type of escalation - escalation beyond Ukraine.

When did Jens Stoltenberg learned about the Nordstream mission plan?
And from whom?

Likely he did not know yet on 19th or even 20th on September.
But based on snap meetings for next week he seemed to know on 23rd.

He also likely let her to know:
(on the day of the event)

16 Sept 2022 - NATO/USA: NATO issued Press Release: NATO Secretary General to visit the USA 19-23 Sept 2022

[MRT: Did Jens Stoltenberg had a chance to meet (read the post) NOR PM and NOR Defense minister during their strategic meetings in Norfolk? at NATO HQs, US Navy HQ? meeting with del Toro?.] 

17 Sept 2022 - NOR/UK: Were not invited - these must participate

King Harald and Queen Sonja are traveling from Norway for the funeral. NATO leader Jens Stoltenberg is also invited.

20 Sept 2022 - NATO/PL/EE/MLD: Moldova's Pro-Western President Maya Sandu, Polish president Andrzej Duda, Estonian President Alar Karis & Secretary General of Nato Jens Stoltenberg, in a rare show down of cost-cutting joint flight, on board state aircraft heading to New York to attend 77th UNGA. 

[MRT: Note that the plan changed from 19th to 20th. So where was he on 19th then? I guess/speculate that he was in Norway where he was briefed, then he flew to the USA and hitched a ride which was promoted as "energy saving" ] 

21 Sept 2022 - NATO: ❝We will stay calm and continue to provide support to #Ukraine❞

#NATO Secretary General @jensstoltenberg on Russia’s partial mobilisation and President Putin’s dangerous and reckless nuclear rhetoric

[MRT: One way to explain is that there is some development to which Russia reacts meanwhile NATO considers its options and signals no escalation.] 

22 Sep 2022 - NATO/USA: NATO Secretary General in New York

On the margins of the United Nations General Assembly, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg met the Foreign Minister of Ukraine, Dmytro Kuleba in New York on Wednesday (21 September 2022)

The Secretary General is also taking part in the transatlantic dinner hosted by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken (22 September 2022)

22 Sept 2022 - NATO/PL: Zbigniew Rau met with Jens Stoltenberg

Minister of Foreign Affairs Zbigniew Rau met with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in New York.

During his visit to the USA, the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs met, among others, with the foreign ministers of Great Britain, James Cleverly, and Ukraine, Dmytro Kuleba. 
On Thursday - according to the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Minister Rau talked with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

22 Sept 2022 - PL/NATO: During his ongoing visit to New York, the Minister @RauZbigniew met with the Secretary General #NATO @jensstoltenberg.

During the conversation, issues related to the current situation in Ukraine and the Alliance's presence in the region were raised.  

[MRT: What related issues were discussed? Note that Poland is a major state next to Kaliningrad enclave where Baltic fleet Russian Navy is located. Was there a special reason for the meeting?] 

22 Sept 2022 - USA: Public Schedule – September 22, 2022

7:45 p.m. Secretary Blinken hosts the Transatlantic working dinner in New York City, New York.

(POOLED CAMERA SPRAY AT TOP) [MRT: Public Webcast has been cancelled - link]


Deputy Secretary McKeon attends meetings and briefings at the Department of State.

Deputy Secretary Wendy Sherman, Counselor Derek Chollet, Under Secretary for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland, Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security Bonnie Jenkins, Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights Uzra Zeya, Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment Jose Fernandez, Senior Official for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs Elizabeth Allen, Assistant Secretary for African Affairs Molly Phee, Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel Kritenbrink, Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs Karen Donfried, Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern Affairs Barbara Leaf, Assistant Secretary for South and Central Asian Affairs Donald Lu, Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs Brian Nichols, Assistant Secretary for Conflict and Stabilization Operations Anne Witkowsky, Assistant Secretary for Economic and Business Affairs Ramin Toloui, Assistant Secretary for Energy Resources Geoffery Pyatt, Assistant Secretary for International Organization Affairs Michele Sison, Assistant Secretary for Oceans, Environment, and Science Affairs Monica Medina, Assistant Secretary for Political-Military Affairs Jessica Lewis, Assistant Secretary for Population, Refugees, and Migration Julieta Noyes, Acting Assistant Secretary for Global Public Affairs Elizabeth Trudeau, Senior Bureau Official for Counterterrorism Tim Betts, Special Presidential Coordinator for the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment Amos Hochstein, Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa Michael Hammer, Special Envoy for Iran Robert Malley, Special Envoy for Global Food Security Cary Fowler, and Special Representative for Global Partnerships Dorothy McAuliffe attend meetings and events surrounding the United Nations General Assembly, in New York City.

BRIEFING SCHEDULE, No Department Press Briefing.¨ 

23 Sept 2022 - NATO: Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg told CNN’s Julia Chatterley on Friday.

“They know that there will be severe consequences. I will not elaborate exactly on how we will react, that depends on what kind of weapons of mass destruction they may use,” he said. 

23 Sept 2022 - EU/NATO: On Monday 26 September 2022, the NATO Secretary General, 

Mr. Jens Stoltenberg, will meet with the President of the European Commission, Ms. Ursula von der Leyen, at the Berlaymont building of the European Commission. There will be no media opportunity.

[MRT: They could have met at sidelines of the UN meeting but interestingly another urgent meeting is set for the day of explosion. No press. Why?]  

23 Sept 2022 - EU/NATO: On Tuesday 27 September 2022, the NATO Secretary General, Mr. Jens Stoltenberg, will take part in a meeting of the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats (S&D) in the European Parliament. 

[MRT: See remarks about "another type of escalation, escalation beyond Ukraine".]  

23 Sept 2022 - USA/NATO: The 2nd Transatlantic working dinner

Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu attended on Thursday a transatlantic working dinner of the EU and NATO foreign affairs ministers, a traditional event hosted by the US and carried out in New York, on the sidelines of the 77th Session of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly.

According to a Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) release sent to AGERPRES on Saturday, the discussions were also attended by High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. Moreover, also attending the event were foreign affairs ministers of Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Georgia.

"Therefore, he underscored that one of the effects of Russia's war against Ukraine has also been the reinforcement of the transatlantic relation, which currently is more stronger than ever, contrary to Russia's aspirations which relied on speculating divisions between the two shores of the Atlantic. Moreover, taking into account Russia's actions to manipulate the international democratic states by using the strategic dependencies related, among others, to energy or food, Minister Aurescu underscored the necessity to remove any dependencies of Russia, both of Western states and that of their partners," the MAE release said.

25 Sept 2022 - NATO: Stoltenberg - NATO does not want a confrontation with Russia

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of recklessness in the face of new threats.

[MRT: What new threat? A confirmation that a new threat exists?] 

Putin himself knows that a nuclear war should never be fought and cannot be won, Stoltenberg told ZDF's "heute journal" on Wednesday. from New York. A nuclear conflict is dangerous for Russia and for the rest of the world. It is not the first time that Putin has used "nuclear rhetoric." use. But that doesn't change the West's duty to remain calm.

3:13 p.m.: NATO Secretary General - "We remain calm"

 [MRT: A confirmation that the threat is not a NATO threat but connected to it?] 

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg considers the announcement of partial mobilization by Russian President Vladimir Putin to be an escalation of the war. Nevertheless, the step did not come as a surprise; NATO remains calm, says Stoltenberg in a Reuters interview.

[MRT: Mobilization as a reaction to the new THREAT is in NATO reckless?] 

25 Sept 2022 - NATO: Secretary General @jensstoltenberg has called a special meeting of arms directors of NATO for Tues. in Brussels. They’ll discuss weapons stockpiles & expanding the industrial base. And arms directors for the Ukraine Defense Contact Group meet on Wed.

26 Sept 2022 - NOR/NATO: Anita Nergaard @NorwayAmbNATO 

A great honour to meet @NATO  Secretary General @jensstoltenberg today to discuss key political & defense issues facing Allies and partners in these challenging times. #WeAreNATO @NorwayMFA

26 Sept 2022 - NATO AWACS - @NATOAWACS 40 years @NATO E-3A AWACS in Geilenkirchen. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg sent a video message on this occasion.#WeAreNATO #StrongerTogether

26 Sept 2022 - NATO/EU: European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen met with Jens Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary General. (See the -3D Fridays urgent Stoltenberg´s request - on NATO web press release pages.)
27 Sept 2022 - DK: Denmark's Prime Minister on the gas leaks: - Talk about deliberate actions

Both Sweden's and Denmark's prime ministers believe the gas leaks are deliberate actions, but deny that it is an attack on the countries.

Nevertheless, the Norwegian Defense Intelligence Service assesses that there is no increased military threat to Denmark, says the Prime Minister.

[MRT: What does NOR know that DK does not know to advice them? What does NOR Defense Intelligence Service know and what did they knew before the event? POST

Not an accident

Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod, Defense Minister Morten Bødskov and Climate, Energy and Supply Minister Dan Jørgensen are also present at the press conference.

The nature of the leaks and their size indicate that it cannot be an accident, says Minister of Supply Dan Jørgensen.

The ministers will not say anything about what they believe is the motive behind the sabotage of the pipeline.

Increases preparedness
Defense Minister Morten Bødskov says that preparedness around Bornholm is now being increased.

The Norwegian Defense Forces have had a patrol ship in the area since yesterday.

The government cooperates with Denmark, Norway, Finland, Germany and the USA, says Andersson.

Andersson states that on Tuesday she spoke on the phone with Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg about the matter.

She says that Norway has notified Sweden of increased drone activity in the North Sea.

27 Sept 2022 - SWE/GER/NATO: Sweden's Prime Minister: - Probably a question of sabotage

Andersson says that on Tuesday she spoke on the phone with Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg about the matter.

We do not speculate on motive and actor. What we can ascertain is that this is probably about sabotage, says Sweden's Minister for Foreign Affairs Ann Linde.

- Now it is important that both the EU and NATO continue to stand together. It is our most important weapon, says Linde.

27 Sept 2022 - NATO: NATO Secretary General convenes top Alliance procurement officials

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg convened an extraordinary meeting of the Conference of National Armaments Directors (CNAD) on Tuesday (27 September 2022) at NATO Headquarters.

The Secretary General urged Allies to continue replenishing stocks as rapidly as possible. “Enhancing NATO stockpiles will ensure we can keep supporting Ukraine,” he said. “We need to keep working together as NATO Allies and with industry to replenish our munitions stocks and provide Ukraine with the support it needs, for as long as Ukraine needs it,” he added.

27 Sept 2022 - NATO/EU: NATO Secretary General at EU Parliament: stay the course on Ukraine

[MRT: This could be understood as that nothing happens, the Nordstream bombing should not be a reason for us to stop supporting Ukraine.]

27 Sept 2022 - NATO: Opening remarks by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at a meeting of the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats in the European Parliament

Then there is, of course, another type of escalation, and that is an escalation beyond Ukraine.

The war that is going on in Ukraine now is bad, and a tragedy for the Ukrainian people. But of course, a full-fledged war between NATO and Russia would be even worse. Therefore, we need to ensure that this doesn’t evolve into a full-fledged war in Europe.

[MRT: This "another type of escalation" was an "escalation" and it had a potential for a direct conflict with NATO = A NATO member has done it]

And we do that partly by being very clear that NATO and NATO Allies are not party to the conflict

[MRT: The NATO Deter and Defend posture offers deniability and cover-up for the perpetrator. Clearly a member of NATO alliance.]

But then, of course, we are also preventing escalation of the conflict into NATO territory by sending a very clear message that if an NATO Ally is attacked, then that will trigger a response from the whole Alliance.

[MRT: If Nordstream pipelines were attacked by a Nato member then this statement would make very sense. NATO broadcasts that they will retaliate would Russia respond to the attack of its key pipeline export facility. Note that the Nord Stream AG is incorporated in Switzerland and is owned by 51% by Gazprom. Remaining 49% are owned by shareholders from EU countries - GER, FRA, DUT. Nord Stream 2 AG is incorporated in Switzerland and is fully owned by Russia with 49% in form of loans from same shareholder EU companies. Note that Russian state has majority ownership in Gazprom. Note that attack on the Nord Stream AG could be legally considered a sabotage - not against RU state but against companies who own it as RU state has 51% from 51% in NS1. The attack on the Nord Stream 2 AG could be legally considered an attack against RU state ("causus belli") as it has majority stake in NS2. This needs to be clarified.]

And as long as that is clear, NATO Allies will not be attacked and the conflict will not escalate, because we are there to protect each other, and by standing together we are safer and stronger.

[MRT: Again: The NATO Deter and Defend posture offers deniability and cover-up for the perpetrator. Clearly a member of NATO alliance.] 

Let me add one more thing, and that is that I think what we have seen throughout this conflict is the importance of the transatlantic bond, North America and Europe standing together, and American leadership. Of course, European Allies have stepped up and European Allies are doing more.

[MRT: The USA is clearly doing the leadership in the crisis management.]

28 Sept 2022 - DK/NATO: Minister of Defence @mfMorten met today with  @jensstoltenberg 

in @NATO HQ to discuss the incidents in the #BalticSea. The protection of critical infrastructure is crucial - coordinating closely with Allies on next steps #WeAreNATO #StrongerTogether 

[MRT: Protection of other infrastructure is crucial? One has just been destroyed.] 

 28 Sept 2022 - DK/NATO: Visit to NATO by the Minister of Defence of the Kingdom of Denmark

On Wednesday, 28 September 2022, the NATO Secretary General, Mr. Jens Stoltenberg, will meet with the Minister of Defence of the Kingdom of Denmark, Mr. Morten Bødskov, at NATO Headquarters.

There will be no media opportunity. Photographs will be available on the NATO website after the event. 

[MRT: The USA is clearly doing the leadership in the crisis management through NATO channels.] 

28 Sept 2022: DK/NATO: Shoulder to shoulder! 

Full support for Denmark from @NATO. General secretary @jensstoltenberg: This is not an accident. The explosions were carefully planned, targeted and very powerful. Work on contact with our allies continues. #dkpol #WeAreNATO #StrongerTogether

[MRT: Careful planning means a thorough, and planned for a long time. Targeted means that there was a special care about not causing any unnecessary collateral damage. How could he know that it was just not a good luck that a private ship did not pass by or that fisheries were not affected as much? Or did he know already that the type of explosion was non toxic? Was he briefed by the perpetrator? Did he know beforehand?]  

28 Sept 2022 - DK/NATO: Denmark, Morten Bødskov: 

Good meeting and 100% support for Denmark from @NATO general secretary @jensstoltenberg. The explosions were not a coincidence. They were carefully planned.

[MRT: Jens Stoltenberg has discussed some details with point to a careful planning. Could this explain no outcries over environmental damage from DK, SWE states?]

28 Sept 2022 - USA: US national security adviser Jake Sullivan and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg have now both characterized the incident as an act of sabotage, but European officials have not yet publicly identified a culprit.

[MRT: Note the management of the definition. POST: Who said it is "sabotage" first?] 

30 Sept 2022 - NATO: Press point - with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg

NATO is not party to the conflict.

But we provide support to Ukraine so it can uphold its right for self-defence, enshrined in the UN Charter.

Ours is a defensive Alliance.
We stand united and determined
to defend and protect every NATO Ally.

[MRT: Why is that? WHAT would NATO suddenly make to hesitate not to protect one member? Could an attack on Russia and possible Russian retaliation be such reason?]   

And every inch of Allied territory.

[MRT: Why would NATO territory be suddenly in danger of being attacked?]  

Then on the on the on the pipelines. Yes, I spoke with Chancellor Scholz today.

We addressed of course the sabotage against Nordstream One and Nordstream Two.

[MRT: There is a legal difference as explain in Nordstream 1 and Nordstream 2 - attack on the Nord Stream  AG could be legally possibly considered "causus belli".]  

This is very serious, big explosions destroying two pipelines.

[MRT: Actually 3 pipelines from which 2 were active in use,, just gas flow has been paused. The Nordstream 2 twin pipeline system has been ready to pump gas but did not got certification due to a war, sanctions effectively stopped its commissioning.]  

We support also the efforts which are ongoing, efforts of investigation to reveal the facts and to determine who was behind these attacks.

[MRT: NATO does not have any legal right to announce who has done it, only governments after investigation. Possibly the international investigation which has never happened.]  

NATO and NATO Allies are present with naval capabilities, with planes in the Baltic Sea, in the North Sea.

[MRT: One reason is pre-planned exercises - which could coincident with the "long term careful planning" he stated previously. Another is the Deter and defend NATO posture ]  

And of course, this sends a message of Allies and NATO readiness to protect and defend each other, also critical infrastructure.

[MRT: NATO just failed to protect key European infrastructure to protect pipeline in  member DK Exclusive Economic zone. NATO is signalling to protect other infrastructure against retaliation.]  

These Allies, these capabilities, these planes, these ships are also collecting information, data, which can be helpful both for the ongoing investigation but also to monitor these critical energy infrastructures.

[MRT: What about existing data from MARCOM

What about existing data from JEF

What about existing data from US Poseidon planes flights?

What about existing data from this particulat US Poseidon flight? 

What about existing data from Paul Ignatius? 

What about existing data from Strike Hawks?   

What about existing data from NOR assets?] 

And we are stepping up our sharing of intelligence, sharing of information.

[MRT: What data are being shared? About Careful long term planning perhaps?] 

MARCOM, our Maritime Command in Northwood is collecting a lot of this information.

[MRT: Is this a reason why DK PM Mette Fredriksen is in London???] 

And we are also actually reviewing some of the data we have already collected over the last weeks and months, to see that when we looked through those data again, whether we were able to discover something connected to the attacks on the two pipelines in the Baltic Sea.

[MRT: Why are there so many USA and NATO officials, diplomats flying all over meeting each other calling each other?] 

It also highlights the importance of the work which is ongoing in NATO to strengthen the resilience, including resilience of critical infrastructure.

[MRT: Yet, nobody speaks why has NATO failed to protect Nord Stream pipelines] 

So a military presence to send the message of deterrence, to collect and monitor and collect data and monitor the infrastructure.

[MRT: Did Russia reserve the right to retaliate so therefore "The need to defend and deter"?] 

And then, share information, and step up resilience are the most important ways NATO and NATO Allies are now supporting each other to prevent anything similar to happen to any other critical energy infrastructure.

[MRT: Is the perpetrator´s infrastructure in danger? Based on NOR PM theirs not.]

30 Sept 2022 - NOR/NATO: Jonas Gahr Støre: Spoke to @jensstoltenberg 

...about how we stand together to safeguard Europe’s energy supply. And how we will continue to support Ukraine against unlawful aggression. Unity and resilience will prevail

[MRT: Seems a plan has been set into motion.]

30 Sept 2022 - NOR/NATO: Jonas Gahr Støre: Spoke to @jensstoltenberg about

... how we stand together to safeguard Europe’s energy supply. 

And how we will continue to support Ukraine against unlawful aggression. Unity and resilience will prevail. 

[MRT: These two issues seem to be separate. Remember Jens Stoltenberg statement about a "new threat".]

30 Sept 2022 - DK/UK: The Prime Minister ok DK travels to London and Brussels to discuss the destruction on Nord Stream 1 and 2 (read link)

Translation: Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen will meet on Saturday 1 October with British Prime Minister Liz Truss in London and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and the President of the European Council Charles Michel in Brussels.

"The government views the damage to Nord Stream 1 and 2 with the utmost seriousness. It is about the entire infrastructure of Europe, but of course the seriousness is especially felt here, as the incidents happened in our immediate area.

[MRT: There is a legal vulnerability of critical infrastructure in the sea. This has been studied by British - Rishi Sunak has studied legal aspects in already in 2017. A bit of speculation at this point but IF it was the UK under Truss Sunak was best suited and equipped to handle the issue afterwards.]

I am in close dialogue with our partners to discuss the situation and ensure close cooperation.

[MRT: ensure close cooperation...] 

Among other things, how we will better protect our European energy infrastructure going forward.”

The trips to London and Brussels follow talks with a number of heads of state and government, including a video conference with the German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, the Norwegian Prime Minister, Jonas Gahr Støre, and the Swedish Prime Minister, Magdalena Andersson, who leads the Swedish transitional government.

 [MRT: So the first foreign trip she made is to London, with others she spoke only online.] 

2 Oct 2022 - USA/NATO: Readout of National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan’s Call with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg

...In the wake of the apparent sabotage of Nord Stream pipelines in the Baltic Sea, they discussed protection of critical infrastructure. They also discussed other global challenges and looked forward to the upcoming meeting of NATO defense ministers.

[MRT: How can one make a proper legal assessment about the type of action the attack on Nordstream 1 and Nordstream 2 was without knowing who has done it and what were motives? Here is explanation and who has started to define "It is a sabotage" vs "terrorist act by a state"! One conclussion is clear - it was not Russia as THAT could be considered a terrorist attack against end consumers - against inhabitants of EU whose sypply has been cut. So IF they KNEW it was NOT Russia who made the assessment it was a "sabotage" and when?] 

3 - 5 Oct 2022 - NATO/TUR: NATO Secretary General visits Türkiye (3x audio)

On Thursday (03 November 2022), the Secretary General met the Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu.

During a three-day visit to Türkiye, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg met President Recep Tayyip Erdoǧan in Istanbul on Friday

During his visit to Türkiye, Mr. Stoltenberg also met the Minister of Defence Hulusi Akar.

[MRT: Meeting with 3 key actors of the state handling the crisis/new threat.]  

11 Oct 2022 - Secretary General previews meetings of NATO Defence Ministers

NATO Defence Ministers will meet in Brussels on Wednesday and Thursday (12-13 October 2022) to step up and sustain support to Ukraine and continue to strengthen NATO’s own defences, against the backdrop of Russia’s most significant escalation since the start of the Ukraine conflict...

“We have a difficult winter ahead. So it is even more important that North America and Europe continue to stand united in support of Ukraine and in defence of our people,” Mr Stoltenberg concluded.

11 Oct 2022 - NATO Doubles Naval Presence in Baltic, North Seas After Pipeline Sabotage

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg on Tuesday warned Russia against any future attacks on NATO critical infrastructure.

[MRT: READ - "Your reserved right to retaliate is not valid".]  

Allies are also increasing security around key installations and stepping up intelligence and intelligence-sharing,” he said ahead of a meeting of NATO defence ministers in Brussels.

 [MRT: READ - "Russia has considered retaliation but we ask not to.]  

“We will take further steps to strengthen our resilience and protect our critical infrastructure. Any deliberate attack against allies’ critical infrastructure would be met with a united and determined response."

[MRT: READ - "The perpetrator is one of ours has, the state has critical infrastructure which could be suitable for retaliation, we will protect it. Well, it looks like the UK is a good candidate.]   

11 Oct 2022 - RU: Deployment of NATO troops to Ukraine could lead to catastrophe, Putin says

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on October 11 that Russia’s victory in the conflict in Ukraine would be NATO’s defeat

11 Oct 2022 - USA: U.S. Eyes Planned Russian Nuclear Exercises Amid NATO War Games

The Russian drills are expected to take place around the same time as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) annual nuclear war games in Europe, called Steadfast Noon.

U.S. and NATO officials have gone public in recent weeks with details regarding Steadfast Noon, a rare disclosure that is intended to mitigate against inadvertent error. “We need to understand that NATO’s firm, predictable behavior, our military strength, is the best way to prevent escalation,” NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg told reporters on Oct. 11. 

12 Oct 2022 - NATO: Secretary General: NATO Defence Ministers meet at a pivotal moment for our security

12 Oct 2022 - NATO: Secretary General: Doorstep statement

...Resilience will also be an issue that will be addressed...

The resilience of critical infrastructure, the importance of that has been demonstrated by the sabotage against the pipelines in the Baltic Sea...

[MRT: Quite a non-statement about a critical issue of NATO´s failure to protect the Key European pipeline..]    

There will be a meeting of NATO's Nuclear Planning Group. This is a routine, long-planned meeting, where we will address how to continue to ensure that NATO’s deterrent remains safe, secure and effective. 

Volodymyr Runets (ICTV):  What is NATO’s response in case of a Russian nuclear strike anywhere?

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg: NATO is a defensive Alliance. NATO is there to prevent a conflict, to prevent a war. And therefore, we have strengthened our deterrence to send a very clear message to Russia that we are there to protect and defend all Allies.
We have seen of course the speculations about the use of low-yield nuclear weapon in Ukraine and we have conveyed clearly to Russia that this will have severe consequences for Russia.

Russia knows that a nuclear war can not be won, it must never be fought. And we are of course also closely monitoring the Russian nuclear posture. We have not seen any changes in the nuclear posture of Russia but we will remain vigilant, we will continue to monitor closely because the nuclear threats,  the nuclear rhetoric and the veiled threats from Russia are dangerous and reckless. 

[MRT: Russia has many types of large conventional bombs, there is no need to strike non-nuclear state which is anyway prevented by int. laws. Use of nuclear weapons could, under certain circumstances, amount to genocide, crimes against humanity, and/or war crimes. There would be little to gain and lot to lose from Russia. BUT IF a successful false flag is commited by Ukraine or by Ukraine with a help of other state then Russia could be isolated and int. community could demand to protect civilians - the war could theoreticallz be paused on demands of int. community to some extend, to come area to help civilians.]   

12 - 13 Oct. 2022 - NATO: Meeting of NATO Ministers of Defence, NATO HQ, Brussels, Belgium

Short remarks by the NATO Secretary General and the US Secretary of Defense


13 Oct 2022 - USA/NATO: Short remarks - by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and the US Secretary of Defense, Lloyd J. Austin

The other thing that you've heard us say over and over again is that the United States is absolutely committed to its Article 5 commitments and we are committed to defending every inch of NATO’s territory if and when it comes to that

[MRT: READ - "It was not the USA but the USA is determined to protect the Tran-Atlantic alliance despite one of the member has caused issues.]   

13 Oct 2022 - NATO: Secretary General welcomes US Secretary of Defense to meeting of NATO Defence Ministers

Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg welcomed US Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III to NATO Headquarters on Thursday (13 October 2022) for meetings of Allied Defence Ministers.

13 Oct 2022 - USA/NATO: US @SecDef : Let me say again: 

"@NATO poses no threat to Russia and seeks no confrontation with Russia"

[MRT: READ - Quite a thick skin statement after their (mainly) infrastructure was destroyed. Tweeting the most important message of the meeting.]   

13 Oct 2022 - NATO: Press conference - by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg following the meetings of NATO Defence Ministers

This morning, Allies had the regular meeting of the Nuclear Planning Group.
It is important we continue to consult and coordinate on nuclear issues.
President Putin’s nuclear rhetoric is dangerous and irresponsible.

We take these threats seriously.

[MRT: READ - Russia was and is still quite upset about the incident.]   

And we remain vigilant.
We will not be intimidated.

[MRT: READ - There was no unity, some states were hesitant.]   

Any use of nuclear weapons would fundamentally change the nature of the conflict, and have severe consequences.

[MRT: READ - The perpetrator has nuclear weapons but it is not the USA.] 

Russia knows that a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought.

[MRT: READ - The perpetrator calculated that owning nuclear deterrence provides enoug coverage against retaliation. Calculation was made ]   

Allies were updated on NATO’s long-planned deterrence exercise Steadfast Noon, which starts next week. This is routine annual training, to ensure NATO’s nuclear capabilities remain safe, secure and effective. NATO’s nuclear deterrence preserves peace, prevents coercion and deters aggression.

[MRT: Well, it also allows no retaliation against covert operations. Only a nuclear opwer could have done the mission against Nord Stream pipelines.]  

Ministers also reviewed our progress on strengthening NATO’s deterrence and defence.

Deborah Haynes (Sky News): Thank you very much. Thank you, Secretary General. The French President has said that France would not retaliate with nuclear weapons should Russia launch a nuclear strike against Ukraine or in the region. Would NATO consider a nuclear response to such an attack? And is France undermining Western deterrence by unilaterally ruling out a nuclear response?

[MRT: There are some indicies that Truss may have broken NPT and delivered some nuclear material/bomb to Ukraine to be used in a false flag opetaion. There is not enough data on this to make proper research further - here is a post]  

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg: The fundamental purpose of NATO's nuclear deterrent is to preserve peace and deter aggression, and prevent coercion against NATO Allies.

The circumstances in which NATO might have to use nuclear weapons are extremely remote.

Russia's nuclear rhetoric is dangerous, reckless. And they know that if they use nuclear weapon against Ukraine, it will have severe consequences. And they also know that a nuclear war cannot be won and should never be fought.

[MRT: Indirectly stating that Russia does not have right now a justifiable reason or a plan.]   

Dmytro Shkurko (National News Agency of Ukraine): Thank you. National News Agency of Ukraine, Dmytro Shkurko. Secretary General, you just mentioned that the exercises you will held next week will be routine one. But would you consider some kind of scenario, taking into account the Russian rhetoric, because right now they are threatening to blow up by the nuclear weapons the Ukrainian bridges. But that means the contamination of soils and waters. This is dangerous not only for Ukraine, for Russia, and also for Europe. Could that kind of development trigger the Article 5? Thanks.

[MRT: There are some indices that UK helped in pre-planning of a nuclear false flag.]   

NATO Secretary General: The Steadfast Noon exercise is a long-planned exercise. It’s an annual exercise. It was planned before the invasion of Ukraine and we have been transparent on this. And the purpose of that exercise is to ensure that our nuclear deterrent is safe, secure and effective. And this is to prevent coercion. It is to prevent an attack on a NATO Ally.

[MRT: Which ally is NATO covering up for?]   

It is to preserve peace. Because we know that our nuclear deterrent is our ultimate deterrence. Deterrence is the way to prevent any attack on a NATO Ally and to preserve peace. And we have demonstrated that NATO's nuclear deterrent is effective and works. We have done that for decades.

Then, you ask me questions actually about two different things. Because one thing is an attack on NATO Allies. Then, we will, of course, we will trigger Article 5.

But when it comes to Ukraine, NATO is not party to the conflict. But we support Ukraine in defending themselves. Ukraine is a close partner. We have been supporting Ukraine for many years. NATO Allies have trained and equipped the Ukrainian forces since 2014. And of course, after the invasion in February, Allies have stepped up. And over the last months and weeks, we have further delivered further and even more advanced systems to help Ukraine protect themselves against the brutality of the Russian military forces.

[MRT: No change in nuclear posture of NATO.]    

18 Oct 2022 - NATO: NATO chief warns again of ‘severe consequences’ if Russia uses nukes in Ukraine

Jens Stoltenberg rules out NATO nuclear umbrella for Ukraine as deterrence against Russia, says such a nuclear shield is only for member states

24 Oct 2022 - NATO/UK/USA: Jens Stoltenberg, @jensstoltenberg: 

Spoke with 🇺🇸 @SecDef & 🇬🇧 @BWallaceMP about #Russia’s false claim that #Ukraine is preparing to use a dirty bomb on its own territory. #NATO Allies reject this allegation. Russia must not use it as a pretext for escalation. We remain steadfast in our support for Ukraine.

[MRT: Was the UK somehow involved?]    

25 Oct 2022 - USA: NATO Secretary General aboard USS George H.W. Bush: NATO’s strength deters conflict

The USS George H.W. Bush is currently leading Neptune Strike 2022, a NATO deployment testing readiness to deter and defend across the Euro-Atlantic area. It includes over 80 aircraft, 14 ships, and around 6,000 personnel from 24 NATO Allies and partners, including Finland and Sweden. 

25 Oct 2022 - NATO: Jens Stoltenberg, @jensstoltenberg: 

An honour to visit the impressive USS George H.W. Bush in the Adriatic, now leading a strike group under #NATO command. 

The deployment is a perfect example of Europe & North America together in NATO, staying strong, delivering deterrence & keeping our people safe. #NeptuneStrike 


[MRT: Is there a question why US and Europe should not suddenly stand together?]     

25 Oct 2022 - USA/NATO: Secretary General aboard USS George H.W. Bush: NATO’s strength deters conflict

ADRIATIC SEA  –  NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg visited the U.S. Navy aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush in the Adriatic Sea on Tuesday (25 October 2022). The Bush currently leads a carrier strike group under NATO command, which Mr. Stoltenberg called “a demonstration of US capability and commitment to the Alliance.” He added: “this carrier sends a powerful message of Allied deterrence every day.”

The USS George H.W. Bush is currently leading Neptune Strike 2022, a NATO deployment testing readiness to deter and defend across the Euro-Atlantic area. It includes over 80 aircraft, 14 ships, and around 6,000 personnel from 24 NATO Allies and partners, including Finland and Sweden. The Secretary General called this “a perfect example of the transatlantic bond – Europe and North America working together in NATO.”

[MRT: Was the unity somehow questionable? Why would allies not work together? Is the demonstration needed for the Russian audience or to keep NATO together? For what reason would some ally have cold feet in Trans-Atlantic cooperation?]    

He said that the deployment “demonstrates our ability to rapidly reinforce our Allies, and project power across the Alliance”. Mr. Stoltenberg added that NATO’s “strength helps to prevent any miscalculation by sending a clear message: NATO will protect and defend every inch of Allied territory.”

[MRT: What is the reason why this would not be the case? Were some countries questioning the need to protect one ally? Perhaps one attacked the Nordstream, everybody knows and there some reasons to think that Russia has legal right to retaliate?]     

The Secretary General also addressed recent claims by Moscow that Ukraine is preparing to use a radiological “dirty bomb” on its own territory, emphasizing that “NATO Allies reject this transparently false allegation.” He said that Russia “must not use false pretexts for further escalation.”

He also met with senior military leaders including Admiral Stuart Munsch, commander of Allied Joint Force Command Naples and commander of U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa; Vice-Admiral Thomas Ishee, commander of Naval Striking and Support Forces NATO and commander U.S. Sixth Fleet; Rear Adm. James Morley, deputy commander of Naval Striking and Support Forces NATO; Rear Adm. Dennis Velez, commander of Carrier Strike Group Ten and the George H. W. Bush Carrier Strike Group; and Capt. David-Tavis Pollard, commanding officer of the aircraft carrier.

9 Nov 2022 - NATO/UK: NATO Secretary General visits the United Kingdom

9 Nov 2022 - NATO/UK: Rishi Sunak: Today I hosted NATO Secretary General  @jensstoltenberg in Downing Street. 

We will never back down when it comes to supporting the Ukrainian people in the face of Putin’s brutality.

[MRT: Is there a question why US and Europe should not suddenly stand together?]      

10 Nov 2022 - NATO/ITA: Secretary General Stoltenberg hails Italy’s key role in NATO

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg met with the newly elected Italian Prime Minister, Ms. Giorgia Meloni, in Rome. The Secretary General welcomed Prime Minister Meloni’s “strong, personal commitment to NATO, to our transatlantic Alliance between North America and Europe” and said that ''it is important that we work closely together, especially at this crucial moment for our security.'' 

During his visit, the NATO Secretary General also met with the Italian Minister of Defence, Mr. Guido Crosetto, and spoke at NATO’s 2022 Cyber Defence Pledge conference.

10 Nov 2022 - NATO: NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg first held talks with Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) and then with Defense Minister Boris Pistorius (SDP). 
Another topic was Germany’s role in NATO. The German Defense Minister presented the NATO Secretary General with a copy of the new security policy guidelines, which follow on from Germany’s National Security Strategy and set out national and alliance defense as the core mission of the Bundeswehr. Pistorius explained that the security of the Alliance is also the security of Germany. In return, Stoltenberg thanked Pistorius for his strong personal commitment and emphasized Germany’s leading role within NATO at this critical time.

10 Nov 2022 - UK/JEF: UK convenes Joint Expeditionary Force ministers in Edinburgh

13 Nov 2022 - UK: Defence chief has 'serious' talks with PM and chancellor in face of cash squeeze and Ukraine war // VIDEO - here - 07:57 min

Defence chief has 'serious' talks with PM and chancellor in face of cash squeeze and Ukraine war

Admiral Sir Tony Radakin tells Sky News's Sophy Ridge on Sunday programme that Rishi Sunak "absolutely" understands the UK cannot have economic stability without security - and that comes at a price.

With the Ministry of Defence - like all other departments - under pressure to cut costs, Admiral Radakin said "numerous" conversations have been had over the past fortnight about the security situation in Europe and globally.

Speaking in an interview that was recorded on Friday, he told Sky News: "We specifically had an hour with the prime minister and the chancellor - and I accompanied the defence secretary - to talk about what would be the impact of a FINANCIAL SETTLEMENT and - to the richness and the seriousness of that conversation - recognising that this war in Europe is part of the reason why we have the level of inflation that we have and why we have the economic pressure.

[MRT: Financial settlement to whom? For what?]    

"Therefore, in trying to deal with the economic pressure, we need to acknowledge that at its core is this security pressure in Europe.

"The government is having the right level of conversation to try and manage that, but also manage the security situation into the future."¨

25 Nov 2022 - NATO: Pre-ministerial press conference by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg ahead of the meetings of NATO Foreign Ministers in Bucharest

The war in Ukraine has demonstrated our dangerous dependency on Russian gas.
So we must assess our dependencies on other authoritarian regimes, not least China.

We must manage the risks.
Reduce our vulnerabilities.
And increase our resilience.

29 Nov 2022 - NATO: Secretary General welcomes US Secretary of State to meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers

Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg met US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Bucharest on Tuesday ahead of a meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers.

29 - 30 Nov 2022 - NATO: Meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs - program

29 Nov 2022 - UA/NATO: NATO Secretary General welcomes Ukraine’s foreign minister to Bucharest

Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg welcomed Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba to Bucharest on Tuesday (29 November 2022), where he will take part in a meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers. “We will stand by Ukraine as long as it takes; we will not back down,” said Mr Stoltenberg. 

29 - 30 Nov 2022 - NATO, Bucharest meeting: Statement by NATO Foreign Ministers, 

NATO is a defensive Alliance. NATO will continue to protect our populations and defend every inch of Allied territory at all times. We will do so in line with our 360-degree approach and against all threats and challenges... 

...In light of the gravest threat to Euro-Atlantic security in decades and in line with the Strategic Concept, we are implementing a new baseline for our deterrence and defence posture by significantly strengthening it and further developing the full range of robust, combat-ready forces and capabilities.

All these steps will substantially strengthen NATO’s deterrence and forward defences. We remain committed to prepare for, deter, and defend against hostile attacks on Allies’ critical infrastructure. Any attack against Allies will be met with a united and determined response. We stand together in unity and solidarity and reaffirm the enduring transatlantic bond between our nations. 

29 Nov 2022 - USA/NATO: @USAandEurope, @NATO: Foreign Ministers: 

We stand together in unity and solidarity and reaffirm the enduring transatlantic bond between our nations. We will continue to strive for peace, security and stability in the whole of the Euro-Atlantic area.

15 Dec 2022 - EU/NATO: European Internal Market Commissioner Thierry Breton visits NATO - NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg today welcomed the European Commissioner for the Internal Market, Thierry Breton, to the NATO Headquarters in Brussels.

Commissioner Breton also briefed the North Atlantic Council today. It was a timely opportunity to take stock of the increased level of NATO-EU cooperation in the face of Russia’s illegal war against Ukraine, to reiterate the vital importance of fostering complementarity and coherence between NATO’s work and the EU’s efforts on defence, and to look ahead at ways to ensure NATO-EU cooperation grows even further. It is critical to continue this conversation and to make it operational. The fullest possible involvement of non-EU Allies in EU defence initiatives remains essential for NATO.

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