Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The Poseidon P8A submarine hunting aircraft and magnetic anomalies on 21-09-2022

Poseidon P8A submarine hunting aircraft
P-8A are equipped with magnetic anomaly detection

21 Sept 2022 - USA/ICE: Boeing P-8A Poseidon to Keflavik
21 Sept 2022 - Boeing P-8A Poseidon #AE5A9D
21 Sept 2022 - DK: The Royal Danish Navy Diana-class Patrol Vessel P524 Nymfen 

left Rødbyhavn and headed directly towards the Nord Stream 1 sabotage location. The P524 Nymfen heading straight for the Nord Stream 1 sabotage location overnight is highly unusual, as this would be only the second time in many years that a Royal Danish Navy vessel has taken an interest in the area.

21 - 23 Sep 2022 - DK/SWE: Five days before the pipeline blasts,... was a chilly and overcast day on the east coast of Sweden. The Intelligence Ship - HSwMS - Swedish Corvette „K31 Visby“ (K31) was set on a southward course... The next morning, something must have happened.

The „Visby“ left Karlskrona on 22 September around 08.30 a.m. (06:30 UTC) at 18-20 knots, according to MarineTraffic data, effectively double the speed of its patrol ride on the previous day. Now it was heading southeast for Bornholm. Had it received a radio call instructing it to search for something?

The following day, 23 September, the „Visby“ rounded the island of Bornholm, passing closely by the later explosion site #1 in the process. After leaving the area westward, the naval corvette returned for a second look at explosion site #2 the following day, 24 September, around midday at 12:13 local time..

The Danish Patrol Boat - On the same morning of 22 September when the „Visby“ left Karlskrona seemingly in a hurry, the Danish Navy Patrol Boat „Nymfen“ P524 had already headed to the same waters northeast of Bornholm.

Nymfen left Rodbyhavn 21/9 ~19.50

Focusing on a particular section of the Danish patrol boat’s movements (blue box) near site #2, a search pattern emerges. The location of the blue box is approx. 18-20 km from the later explosion site #2.

The „Nymfen’s“ route on 22 Sept. – blue box: close-up area

The patrol boat’s movements seem to indicate a kind of search pattern. At one point, it almost came to a halt, moving at 1 knot or less (indicated by the red arrows). What information was it that brought the boat out to this location? Where did the information come from?

The fact is the „Nymfen“ was crusing in the highlighted area (blue box) between 08:17 a.m. local Swedish time (06:17 UTC) and 08:41 a.m. (06:41 UTC) — the same time that the Swedish warship „Visby“ was just leaving Karlskrona heading for the same general area. 

The routes of the „Nymfen“ (left) and the „Visby“ (top, right) on 22 September.

By the time the „Visby“ arrived near explosion site #2 around 01:00 p.m. local time (11:00 UTC), the Danish patrol boat „Nymfen“ had already left for the nearby port of Nexø on the island of Bornholm. 

21 Sept 2022 - USA: Kearsarge group leaves Baltic Sea

22, 23, 24, 25 September - SWE/DK: Swedish newspapers Dagens Nyheter report that Swedish navy was in the area a few days before the sabotage.


pre-28 Sept 2022 - USA: CNN reports that:

"Russian submarines were also observed not far from those areas last week, one of the intelligence officials said... US officials declined to comment on the intelligence about the ships on Wednesday."

3 Oct 2022 - "The person responsible for the Nord Stream gas pipeline leaks is unlikely to ever be held accountable", Vice Admiral Jan Christian Kaack, Commander of the German Navy, told Monday's "Aktuaalne kaamera".

"The basis for seeing possible events is a clear picture of the sea, or observation. If there is a clear picture of the air, surface or subsurface — almost clear, because you cannot always be completely sure — then you can look at anomalies in the system and then you can bring a special unit to the area where the anomaly was detected," Kaack said.

5 Oct 2022 - USA: US considering offering to analyse underwater audio recordings to aid Nord Stream pipeline sabotage investigations

The US Navy’s processing of the sonar signatures – the term for the unique underwater sounds – provided by Sweden and Denmark could boost the investigations by providing a more detailed picture of what was in the area at the time of the pipeline explosions and what caused them, sources said... Each type of underwater machinery like submarines, torpedoes and vessel engines makes a unique sound that is called a “sonar signature,” and the US has an extensive library of these sounds.

5 Oct 2022 - USA/CNN: - The USA considering offering to analyse underwater audio recordings to aid Nord Stream pipeline sabotage investigations. Article speaks about “sonar signature”.

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