Thursday, September 19, 2024

NOR - FIN - SWE - GER - RU - LIT - USA were simultaneously preparing for a hybrid attacks from a hidden actor

Somebody knew something

6 Sept 2022 - RU: In August, more than 100 anti-terrorist exercises were conducted in the Baltic Fleet

In August, more than 100 training sessions with counter-terrorism units were conducted in the Baltic Fleet (BF) formations and military units.
The servicemen practiced blocking and destroying the enemy during his attacks on various military units, learned to provide first aid and transport the wounded, and improved their mine clearance skills.

15 Sept 2022 - NOR: Rødt demands answers about disputed monitoring system The Minister of Defence: - Is legal

Rødt's leader Bjørnar Moxnes demands an answer from the Minister of Defence.

Defense Minister Bjørn Arild Gram (Sp) tells NRK that Norway is not sufficiently equipped to defend itself against threats such as espionage, sabotage, terrorist planning and cyber operations.

He believes that Norway is in a serious threat situation, and that it is therefore important to get such a system in place.

- We are a digital society. There is a lot of good about it, but there are actors who use the digital space, who do not like us. We cannot have an analogue defense in a digital world.

15 Sept 2022 - NOR: Meeting with Equinor, Aker BP and Vår Energi

Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre and Oil and Energy Minister Terje Aasland have invited representatives from the companies Equinor, Aker BP and Vår Energi to a meeting about the energy crisis in Europe on Thursday 15 September at 08.30. The three companies are the three largest petroleum producers on the Norwegian continental shelf.

15 Sept 2022 - NOR: Bjørn Arild Gram (Sp) tells NRK that Norway is not sufficiently 

,,,equipped to defend itself against threats such as espionage, sabotage, terrorist planning and cyber operations.

 [MRT: What kind of threat can not Norway handle internally? Nuclear? Why will Gra fly to the USA and not visit local allies like Sweden, Denmark, the UK? Nuclear? Rogue nato actor?] 

19 Sept 2022 - GER: Botschaft Polen DE, @PLinDeutschland:

Baltic Sea states face myriad hybrid and conventional threats from Russia in the maritime domain. Fascinating to be part of training by @KoerberIP for security experts, including military maneuvers onboard 🇩🇪 corvette Oldenburg @deutschemarine and exchanges with @chiefdeunavy

 [MRT: Red herring Mats Ljungquist was speaking about?]

21 Sept 2022 - NOR, Styrk Heimevernet!: See the words "on land". Norway has a dozen gas plants on land that are not well enough protected from the sea.

If Norwegian gas plants fall victim to hybrid attacks from hidden actors, it will be dark and cold in Europe. Therefore @Bjornarildgram  must arouse that SHV. Then the navy must secure the shelf.

 [MRT: Red herring Mats Ljungquist was speaking about?] 

21 Sept 2022 - NED: Generaal Onno Eichelsheim, @CDS_Defensie: Today, under the guidance of frogmen, experience what it is like to move secretly under water. Important tactical tool for maritime special operations. Impressed by the professionalism and versatility of these men. @korpsmariniers


21 Sept 2022 - LIT: Lithuania has increased the alert levels of its army "to prevent any provocations from Russia," not least in neighbouring #Kaliningrad, the country's defence minister said

Lithuania puts it's rapid reaction force on high alert to prevent any provocation from #Russia, defence minister says

22 Sept 2022 - RU: FSB thwarts terror attack on gas pipeline from Turkey to Europe

The would-be terrorist was apprehended when taking two powerful self-made explosive devices from a cache

"The Federal Security Service has thwarted an attempt by the Ukrainian special services to conduct a terror attack on an oil and gas facility being used for energy supplies from Turkey to Europe," the FSB reported.

The perpetrator, a Russian national born in 1978, recruited by the Ukrainian security services in Ukraine, and his four Russian accomplices have been detained, the FSB added.

The would-be terrorist was apprehended when taking two powerful self-made explosive devices from a cache. Mobile devices with text and audio records of his conversations with a curator and instructions on how to assemble the explosive device and money transfer details as well as the coordinates of the intended explosion site were found on the Ukrainian security service agent.

 [MRT: Red herring Mats Ljungquist was speaking about?] 

22 Sept 2022 - USA/UN: John Bass, @UnderSecStateP: Joined the Global Counter Terrorism Forum

hosted by Canada and Morocco today. Information sharing and collaboration through @theGCTF have helped dismantle terror networks, expose propaganda, sever terror financing, and hold terrorists accountable in courts of law.

 22 Sept 2022 - NOR: Norway is raising its ISPS-maritime-security level to level 2

22 Sept 2022 - NOR: Accessed through the Internet Archive

22 Sept 2022 - USA: State Dept CT Bureau, @StateDeptCT: [Counter Terrorism] congratulates @theGCTF...  

...during its 12th Ministerial Plenary today for promoting the #REMVE toolkit among other CT resources for the international community. These documents help strengthen our collective response to emerging and evolving terrorist threats. 

22 Sept 2022 - FIN: The emergency unit is training with Ut's Jääkärirrikmenti - including helicopters

The police have leadership responsibility in hybrid situations before identifiable military acts.

FIN - Poliisiylitarkastaja Kautto, @HannuKautto, Police Board. Planning, monitoring and preparation of result and strategic guidance, finances, resources of police operations. : The police have leadership responsibility in hybrid situations before identifiable military acts. The readiness unit Karhu is a police special force in normal and exceptional conditions, the training prepares for national and international cooperation.

Hybrid actions can take the form of, for example, provoked demonstrations, influence of information, various degrees of intimidation, instrumentalization of entry into the country, sabotage of critical infrastructure, cyber attacks or, at worst, acts of terrorism

Poliisin Valmiusyksikkö Karhu - Police Rapid Response Unit 

The police are on standby if there is an attempt to disrupt social peace

The range of hybrid measures is wide. They can manifest themselves, for example, in the form of provoked demonstrations, influence of information, varying degrees of threats, instrumentalization of entry into the country, sabotage of critical infrastructure, cyber attacks or, in extreme cases, acts of terrorism.

Typically, the actual nature and origin of the activity is obscured. What the described acts have in common is that they aim to undermine society, its national integrity and the known trust in the authorities.

A strong denominator for hybrid measures is also the fact that they mostly appear in the area of ​​internal security, especially in the field of police operations. The division of responsibilities and tasks for society's preparedness are based on legislation: before actual identifiable military acts, a response to hybrid actions is given on the ground, and the investigation of incidents is primarily handled by the police.

Whether it's green men, acts of terrorism, sabotage disguised as accidents, or attempts to undermine public order and security.

The police, as the multitasker of security and the authority with the main responsibility for internal security, is in many ways prepared to be able to be everyone's safety - at all times. 

25 Sept 2022 - GER: New command - hybrid attacks are considered the "worst case"

The commander of the Bundeswehr's new domestic command, Carsten Breuer, wants to quickly improve the ability to respond to targeted destabilization.

A "hybrid influence on Germany's security architecture, i.e. this situation in which one has to say that it is no longer quite peace, but it is not quite war either", is the "worst case"; for the command, said the lieutenant general of the German Press Agency, before the central command post was put into service on Monday in Berlin by Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht (both SPD).

The Ministry of Defense describes hybrid warfare as when opposing powers rely on a combination of classic military operations, economic pressure, hacker attacks on the infrastructure and propaganda in the media and social networks.

Instability arises that must be responded to. “Mastering this, across the entire spectrum, is the core of this command,” says Breuer.

In response to the changed security situation after the Russian attack in Ukraine, the Defense Minister decided to consolidate the leadership of the armed forces domestically in the new command in the Julius Leber barracks in Berlin. The Bundeswehr continues to have an operational command in Schwielowsee near Potsdam to manage foreign operations.

26 Sept 2022 - FIN: Special Intervention Unit of the police to practise with the Utti Jaeger Regiment

Special Intervention Unit Karhu of the police will practise cooperation with the Utti Jaeger Regiment in the Uusimaa region from 26 to 29 September. All four days will include practising in Helsinki and the East Uusimaa region.

Two transport helicopters of the Defence Forces will participate in the exercise. During the exercise, police and military personnel and vehicles will be moving in the region. This is a cooperative exercise in accordance with the annual plan. 

The police are constantly developing their preparedness and cooperation with other security authorities, and we also practise several times a year with the Defence Forces”, says Chief Inspector Juha Hietala.

The police are in charge of any hybrid situations before any recognisable military actions

 26 Sept 2022 - SWE: NATO exercises hybrid threats against renewable energy in Sweden 

The world's first exercise in dealing with hybrid threats to renewable energy systems has just been carried out in Sweden. At the same time, Estonia's prime minister warns that Russia could cut off the Baltic countries. Last Thursday, Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas warned in a speech to the nation that Russia could disconnect the Baltics from the electricity grid.  

26 Sept 2022 - NOR/RU: Norway cancels Coast Guard visit to Murmansk

An unofficial visit to the port of Murmansk previously agreed upon between FSB Border Guards and the Norwegian Joint Headquarters will not take place.

26 Sept 2022 - NOR: The Minister of Defense will visit the Norwegian Navy at Haakonsvern on Monday 26 September / Bjørn Arild Gram | Ministry of Defence

Defense Minister Bjørn Arild Gram will visit Bergen on 26 September.

Gram will meet management and personnel at the Norwegian Navy's base at Haakonsvern. He will receive an orientation at the National Naval Operations Centre, visit the frigate squadron, Bogøytoppen, the minesweeper squadron and the corvette squadron. The Chief of the Norwegian Navy hosts the visit, which lasts the whole day.

26 Sept 2022 - NOR: Today, Defense Minister Bjørn Arild Gram is on his first visit to the Norwegian Navy. At Haakonsvern, he gets an insight into how the various squadrons and departments operate.

26 Sept 2022 - NOR: Støre skips the opening of the new Baltic pipeline

26 Sept 2022: DK, Morten Bødskov: @mfMortenVisit to the good people (and dog) in Denmark's Special Operations Command. What skills, overview and will to make a difference! Impressive work. #dkpol @forsvaretdk

26 Sept 2022 - NOR: NOR embassy in FIN: Good discussions in #Helsinki between the 🇳🇴 Total Preparedness Commission #totalberedsapskommisjonen & 🇫🇮 ⁦@TKomitea⁩ on #ResilientCivilians, #Preparedness & #comprehensivesecurity.

26 Sept 2022 - NOR: State Secretary Eivind Vad Petersson attended a meeting with the marine insurance company Gard about challenges in connection with the sanctions against Russia.

26 Sept 2022 - GER: Olaf Scholz tests positive for COVID-19, German chancellor isolates after catching coronavirus.

A government spokesman announced that Scholz has mild cold symptoms and is isolating in the chancellor’s apartment in the Federal Chancellery.

This week’s public appointments will be canceled. The chancellor wants to attend internal appointments and the scheduled meeting with the prime ministers of the federal states virtually,” a chancellery statement said.

Scholz just returned from a two-day trip to the Persian Gulf region, where he signed a gas deal with the United Arab Emirates. 

26 Sept 2022 - USA: U.S. Mission to the EU, @US2EU: @POTUS 

"The United States is determined to defend and strengthen democracy at home and around the world." 

26 Sept 2022 - NATO/EU: European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen met with Jens Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary General. (See the -3D Fridays urgent Stoltenberg´s request - on NATO web press release pages.)


26 Sept 2022 - NOR/NATO: Anita Nergaard @NorwayAmbNATO A great honour to meet @NATO  Secretary General @jensstoltenberg today to discuss key political & defense issues facing Allies and partners in these challenging times. #WeAreNATO @NorwayMFA

26 - 27 Sept 2022 - USA/GER/FRA: 21st TSC and French Logistics Command partner to build interoperability

Maj. Gen. Stéphane Canitrot, commanding general, French Logistics Command, visited 21st Theater Sustainment Command Headquarters in Kaiserslautern, Germany for the first time on September 26-27.

U.S. Army Maj. Gen. James Smith, commanding general, 21st TSC, said building and strengthening relationships benefits both commands and a shared commitment enhances interoperability. “We must be deliberate,” said Smith.

The 21st Theater Sustainment Command executes assigned missions, plans contingency operations in the European theater; while also serving as a Joint Security Area Operations. In doing so, the 21st TSC not only ensures a theater capable of supporting routine operations, but also deterrence and contingency operations. The 21st TSC also enables and facilitates the rapid receiving and deploying of military forces to maintain a strong Europe and execute joint security area operations.

26 Sept 2022 - CN: #Chinese #PLA #Movement of troops. Chinese President Xi Jinping suddenly

... disappeared. A large-scale force of the PLA's most elite Army Group 82nd entered Beijing, what the hell happened inside China? According to eyewitness, the vehicle movement procession of large troops is about 80km. [unofficial rumors]
27 Sept 2022 - NOR: The Minister of Oil and Energy 

There are no indications that there may be an attack on the Norwegian continental shelf. According to Oil and Energy Minister Terje Aasland (Ap), there is currently nothing to indicate that there may be an attack on Norwegian gas pipelines.

[MRT: This is an odd statement after a sabotage/terrorist act has been done on the largest European infrastructure energy project]


Russian anti-submarine exercises in the Baltic sea in Mid September 2022

Russian nuclear positioning before the Nordstream is attacked



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