Thursday, February 23, 2023

017 - Nordstream - Battle Royale: Hersh´s exposé vs Mortymer001´s Hypothesis


The race for the Truth is on!

On the left side unknown challenger nobody knows about
On the right side battle hardened Pulitzer winner

Who will win?
There could be only one winner.

23-02-2023 Recap:

Sy Hersh

Blames governments of USA + NOR + SWE, the evidence so far has some issues, yet his track record is excellent. Does not specify the role of NATO. 

Has good taste of music. 


Zero track record, not even a journalist. Nobody.

Anonymous person who started blog to sort out his thoughts.

Possibly solves the case while tweeting about it online.

States that the conclusive key evidence is with Investigators who will not publish for several reasons, starts own investigation meanwhile, puts his skin in game and moves through mountains of documents and data to find a few pins, very promising ones... Then does it.

States a UK as his primary suspect, lists several other individuals with high probability of collaborating in the affair, enabling it.

Distorted music taste from Antwoord to classical music.


Pick your fighter, make your bets, lets roll!

(...heh, or I think I do, but who am I? Investigators/journalists should be looking!)

Yesterday the research gained this gem, but is it a diamond?

Were US and UK explosives teams cooperating in studying the Nordstream Vulnerability in January 2022?

On 19 - 28 Jan 2022 - EXU-1, FBI Host Maritime Post-Blast Investigation Course at NAS Key West

KEY WEST, Fla. - Expeditionary Exploitation Unit 1 (EXU-1) and the FBI’s Counter-Improvised Explosive Device (C-IED) Section conducted a maritime post-blast investigation course at Naval Air Station (NAS) Key West, Florida, Jan. 19-28.

The U.K. Royal Navy Diving and Threat Exploitation Group (DTXG) and three U.S. Navy explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) teams, including technicians from EXU-1 and EOD Mobile Unit 3collaborated to expand and develop their maritime post-blast exploitation techniques through seven days of classroom coursework, diving, and strategic case study analysis.

 The course coordinates the combined response of maritime exploitation capabilities by the Department of Defense, Department of Justice (DOJ), and the U.K. Royal Navy to global maritime explosive attacks from strategic competition in the maritime domain.

 In terms of our outlook on current geopolitical events, what helps is having both of our groups looking at the same problem sets. Working together, information exchange is quite easy and prevents numerous delays. We are often in the same places and operating jointly, so our partnership constantly sharpens our skillsets and allows us to be more prepared,” he said. “Different events tie into intelligence gathering which we can all share with each other. That is critical because it allows us to be on the same page with one another before conflict happens. So when conflict does happen, we are all prepared.

[M: No comment. Somebody will have to explain what happened there...] 


01 March 2023 - Former British Foreign Secretary William Hague shared the dreams of the West.

In an interview with jokers Vovan and Lexus, who introduced themselves as the former president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko.

"...They will only do this in coordination with USA, Britain OFTEN fulfils a role of strengthening the courage of the USA, strengthening of resolve of USA, but Britain will not change its policy without the USA, without agreement with USA. So the KEY decision is still in Washington..." 

[M: Could the view be applied also for the Nordstream affair?] 

There are issues with Hersh claim, quite a few actually:

I have found email to Sy Hersh and exchanged with him over 20 emails.
I shared all my data and wrote detailed explanation.


This is not a competition. Nope.

What are the options?
    1. One could be true only, either US or UK behind
    2. Both countries (and perhaps others) were cooperating 
    3. Neither one has done it.
    4. Russia has not retaliated so it does not consider it to be "state actors" and them using NATO infrastructure'

      This leads to: WHICH ONE?

How do I see it? Based on what I researched:
  • The UK, rogue, outside NATO, tight slim team. 
  • Very long thorough preparations, simulations, strategy, etc. 
  • Helped by several corrupted people in key positions (in EU, NATO,..). 
  • Informed USA short time before but attack against Nordstream was already irreversible. Got some approval (?) or was not stopped.
  • News show the USA, SWE, DK, GER, PL do not seem to be co-state actors. 

Where do You put your bets? What is Your take? Make a comment pls. 

QUESTION: Should somebody REALLY look into this?

Is this much dodo about nothing? Why has nobody brought this meeting up yet?

I have explored the UK team here, unfortunately having not time to look into USA teams.

The public has the right to know about this meeting!



Uncovering the truth took over two years of self-funded, tireless investigation.
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