Friday, October 11, 2024

Vladimir Putin 2022 comments about the Nordstream affair

 Vladimir Putin statements and related RU news

Note the consistency of Russian statements:
Main perpetrator: Anglo-Saxons
Main beneficiary: The USA.

27 Sept 2022 - RU: TASS, @tassagency_en: What is known about gas leakages from Nord Streams

28 Sept 2022 - RU/UN: UN Security Council to meet Friday on damage to Nord Stream gas pipelines

28 Sept 2022 - RU: The Russian Federation opened a criminal case under an article on international terrorism (part 1 of Article 361 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

29 Sept 2022 - RU: Putin told Erdogan he regarded Nord Stream emergency as act of international terrorism

"The Russian president gave a principled assessment of the unprecedented sabotage, which is in fact an act of international terrorism against the main gas pipelines Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2. It was noted that Russia is bringing this issue up for urgent discussion in the UN Security Council," the statement reads.

[MRT: Legal definitions described here] 

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen slammed the incidents as sabotage, pointing out that any "deliberate disruption of the European energy infrastructure is unacceptable and will lead to the strongest possible response".

[MRT: Who was promoting - Sabotage and who the terrorist act narratives?] 

29 Sept 2022 - RU: TASS, @tassagency_en: Russian diplomat calls out Blinken’s ‘lie’ on pipeline attack

Maria Zakharova pointed out that in previous years, the then Republican-led US administration "did everything to scuttle" the Nord Stream 2 project

When speaking to the Soloviev Live TV channel on Thursday, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova called out US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s claim that attacks on the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines would be in no one’s interest as a bold-faced lie.

"When Mr Blinken says that the project’s collapse is in no one's interest, it sounds ridiculous, it’s a lie," she maintained.

Zakharova pointed out that in previous years, the then Republican-led US administration "did everything to scuttle" the Nord Stream 2 project. "They employed methods of political pressure and blackmail, which are illegal and go beyond morality, law and logic, and they also used their diplomatic resources to exert direct pressure, particularly on the German authorities. <...> The Democrats took a different path," the Russian diplomat noted.

The Nord Stream pipeline incidents took place in the exclusive economic zone of Denmark and Sweden, an area that is fully controlled by US intelligence agencies, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told the Soloviev Live TV program

29 Sept 2022 - RU: TASS, @tassagency_en: NATO members are concerned about incidents on the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines, which appear to be the results of acts of sabotage, NATO said in a statement

29 Sept 2022 - RU: TASS, @tassagency_en: The "sabotage" that caused damage to the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines may lead to an escalation or even war, former US President Donald Trump warned

29 Sept 2022 - RU: TASS, @tassagency_en: Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov admitted on Thursday that Nord Stream explosions could have been a terrorist attack:

29 Sept 2022 - RU: TASS, @tassagency_en: Repairing the rupture that occurred on the lines of the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines may take more than six months, Pavel Zavalny, who heads the State Duma’s Committee on Energy, believes.

30 Sept 2022 - RU: US benefits from the Nord Stream incidents, Russian Security Council suggests

Nikolay Patrushev stressed that the West immediately embarked on a vigorous campaign to find the culprits

Washington benefits from the Nord Stream pipelines' damage, especially from an economic standpoint, Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolay Patrushev said at a meeting of CIS security and intelligence chiefs on Friday.

"More and more often, serious questions are being asked of the organizers of these smear campaigns. For instance, literally from the very first minutes after the reports about explosions at the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines had emerged, the West embarked on a vigorous campaign to find the culprits. Nevertheless, it is obvious that the main beneficiary, first and foremost, economically, is the US," he stated.

[MRT: Being a prime suspect and the main beneficiary are not the same. The perpetrator in this hypothesis case the UK can convince the main beneficiary to just step aside and let the crime happen enabling deniability and a cover]

30 Sept 2022 - RU: Putin says 'Anglo-Saxon' powers blew up Nord Stream pipelines

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday directly accused "Anglo-Saxon" powers of blowing up the Nord Stream pipelines.

"The sanctions were not enough for the Anglo-Saxons: they moved onto sabotage," Putin said. "It is hard to believe but it is a fact that they organised the blasts on the Nord Stream international gas pipeline."

30 Sept 2022 - RU: Putin: Anglo-Saxons out to destroy EU energy infrastructure

He also accused the West of sabotaging the Russia-built gas pipelines under the Baltic Sea to Germany. Putin said the "Anglo-Saxons" have turned from sanctions to "terror attacks," sabotaging the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines in what he described as an attempt to "destroy the European energy infrastructure."

[MRT: Not naming one state is for a purpose. What he is saying that the perpetrator was making sure factions aligned with their policy were also onboard - aka British Royals and old money in a New World. By not naming a certain highest official of a country he also  points that the mission was a long term and that is also a case of Truss who took over Boris Johnson as a new UK´s PM.] 

5 Oct 2022 - RU: Nikolay Patrushev, the head of Russia's Security Council, recognized that Russia ... now fighting NATO in Ukraine. Meanwhile, President Vladimir Putin has reminded the world that Russia has nuclear weapons and is prepared to use them "when the very existence of the state is put under threat," as Russia's official nuclear weapons doctrine declared in June 2020.

5 Oct 2022 - RU: TASS, @tassagency_en: The EU countries will have to face the truth and admit that they were betrayed by their allies in the situation involving the Nord Stream incidents, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova wrote on her Telegram channel

5 Oct 2022 - RU: TASS, @tassagency_en: Press review: Russian top court okays accession and chances to revive Nord Stream revealed

10 Oct 2022 - RU: Russian President Vladimir Putin: Colleagues, good afternoon,

You know that yesterday Chairman of the Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin reported to me on the first results of the investigation into the act of sabotage on the Crimean Bridge.

10 Oct 2022 - RU: TASS, @tassagency_en: While Russia is not allowed to investigate the sabotage at the Nord Stream pipeline, but the beneficiary is already known, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with permanent members of the Russian Security Council

11 Oct 2022 - RU/UN: Putin will meet head of UN nuclear watchdog in St. Peterburg, Russia

12 Oct 2022 - RU: Russia claims attack on NordStream is "act of state terrorism" .

The recent terrorist attack on the Nord Stream 1 and 2 natural gas pipelines was aimed at undermining the energy security of the entire continent, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday.

12 Oct 2022 - RU: Global Energy Infrastructure Is At Risk After Nord Stream Pipeline Hit, Says Putin

The attacks were an act of terror that set “the most dangerous precedent,” the Russian president told a Moscow energy forum on Wednesday. “It shows that any critically important object of transport, energy or utilities infrastructure is under threat” irrespective of where it is located or by whom it is managed, he said.

12 Oct 2022 - RU: Putin: Russian Energy Week International Forum plenary session

I would like to welcome all the participants and guests of Russian Energy Week, a respected and recognised platform for dialogue on key global energy topics.

Such direct and transparent communication is essential now, when the global economy in general, the fuel and energy sector are in the middle of, let me be direct, an acute crisis due to unstable price dynamics of energy resources, an imbalance in supply and demand, and the overtly subversive actions of individual market participants, who are guided solely by their own geopolitical ambitions, resort to outright discrimination in the market, and if that does not work, they simply destroy the infrastructure of their competitors.

In this case, I am of course talking about the sabotage of the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines. There is no doubt that this is an act of international terrorism, the purpose of which is to undermine the energy security of the entire continent. The logic is cynical: to destroy and block cheap energy sources, hence depriving millions of people, industrial consumers of gas, heat, electricity and other resources and forcing them to buy all this at much higher prices and forcing them to buy all this at much higher prices.

The attack on the Nord Streams has set an extremely dangerous precedent, which shows that any critical piece of transport, energy or communications infrastructure is under threat, regardless of its location, management or whether it lies on the seabed or on land...

And who stands behind the sabotage against the Nord Streams? Clearly, those who want to completely sever ties between Russia and the European Union, to fully undermine and crush Europe’s political agency, weaken its industrial potential and seize the market.

And, of course, those who – I want to stress it – have the technical capacity to organise such explosions and in fact have committed similar sabotage in the past and were caught red-handed but evaded punishment.

The beneficiaries are well known. I believe no specific details are necessary since the remaining gas systems will acquire greater geopolitical significance. They stretch across Poland (Yamal‒Europe), and Ukraine, the two pipelines that Russia once built with its own money. And, of course, the United States, which will now be able to supply energy resources at high rates.

I would like to recall who helped Europe at that time and sent additional gas supplies to the European market. It was Russia. However, the leaders of these countries prefer not to recall this. Moreover, they deem it possible to reproach us for being “unreliable.” Do we deny supplies to them? We are ready to ship and we are providing them with all the quantities, as agreed under our contracts. We are supplying them with all the contractual amounts. But if someone does not want to take our product, what do we have to do with this? That is your decision.

I have noted many times that the Nord Stream lacks any political background. It is a strictly commercial project, in which Russian and European companies take part on equal terms. Hence, Russia and our partners in EU countries should resolve the future of Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2.

It is certainly possible to repair the damaged gas pipelines that run under the Baltic Sea.

But this will make sense only if their further use is economically feasible and the safety of their routes can be ensured this is the fundamental prerequisite.

If we come to an agreement with the Europeans to supply gas through the surviving branch – and one branch of Nord Stream 2, apparently, has survived… Unfortunately, we are not allowed to help inspect this branch, but the pipeline is holding pressure. It might be damaged, but we do not know this, because as I have said, we are not allowed to inspect it, but there is pressure, which means, apparently, that it is in working order. Its capacity is 27.5 billion cubic metres per year, which is about 8 percent of Europe’s gas imports.

12 Oct 2022 - RU: Putin: It's possible to repair Nord Stream pipelines

Putin has also claimed that the sabotage action against Nord Stream was ”an act of international terrorism,” writes news agency Reuters Wednesday.

[MRT: There is a clash of narratives: The Definition, Severity and Accountability of the Nordstream Affair]

12 Oct 2022 - RU: Putin says goal behind Nord Stream attack was to undermine continent’s energy security

Putin described the attack on the Nord Streams as "a most dangerous precedent."

"It shows that any vital transport, energy or utility infrastructure is now in jeopardy regardless of where it is located or who operates it or whether those are subsea pipelines or ground-based ones."

12 Oct 2022 - RU: Putin offers Europe gas through Nord Stream 2, Germany declines

12 Oct 2022 - RU: Putin suggests major gas hub in Türkiye with Nord Stream supplies

13 Oct 2022 - RU: President #Putin: I have noted many times that 

#NordStream lacks any political background. It is a strictly commercial project, in which Russian and European companies take part on equal terms. 

Hence, Russia and our partners in #EU should resolve the future of #NS1 & #NS2.

13 Oct 2022 - RU: Saboteurs caught plotting attack on TurkStream pipeline — Kremlin

Dmitry Peskov stressed that "this is an attempt on a route that remains in a functional state, fully loaded, running like clockwork"

13 Oct 2022 - RU: Russia detains saboteurs trying to blow up TurkStream

A Russian-Turkish project has been subjected to sabotage as attacks continue on Russia's energy infrastructure.

The Russian authorities have detained several saboteurs as they were trying to sabotage and blow up a part of the TurkStream pipeline that is on Russian territory, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said on Thursday.

"Saboteurs were taken, several people were detained - they wanted to blow up [TurkSteam] on our territory, on land," Peskov told reporters. The pipeline starts in the Russian Krasnodar region.

"Moscow does not have the habit of "shooting itself in the leg", Peskov added, dismissing remarks made by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who said Russia was planning on sabotaging its infrastructure of gas pipelines.

"We do not tend to shoot ourselves in the leg," Peskov underlined.

According to Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, the TurkStream gas pipeline would not replace the Nord Streams because they have different capacities.

Investigators from Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) later started a criminal investigation into the blasts as an act of international terrorism.

"There is no doubt that this is an act of international terrorism, the purpose of which is to undermine the energy security of the entire continent," Putin told the Russian Energy Week in Moscow on Wednesday.

Putin previously accused the West of being behind the damage to the Nord Stream pipelines. He said it had already "practically begun to destroy shared European energy infrastructure," stressing that "it is obvious to all who is profiting from this."

12 Oct 2022 - RU: Russian Energy Week International Forum plenary session

Such direct and transparent communication is essential now, when the global economy in general, the fuel and energy sector are in the middle of, let me be direct, an acute crisis due to unstable price dynamics of energy resources, an imbalance in supply and demand, and the overtly subversive actions of individual market participants, who are guided solely by their own geopolitical ambitions, resort to outright discrimination in the market, and if that does not work, they simply destroy the infrastructure of their competitors.

In this case, I am of course talking about the sabotage of the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines. There is no doubt that this is an act of international terrorism, the purpose of which is to undermine the energy security of the entire continent.

The logic is cynical: to destroy and block cheap energy sources, hence depriving millions of people, industrial consumers of gas, heat, electricity and other resources and forcing them to buy all this at much higher prices...

[MRT: one of the main UK motive is own energy insecurity and other instabilities caused by #Brexit - Brexit as a root-cause of UK´s instabilities

I would like to repeat that there is solid documented evidence. These crimes were plotted and ordered by the end beneficiaries seeking instability and conflicts.

[MRT: In 2014 I framed but never published a hypothesis which I named: "Mackinder Roadblocks against Euro-Asian integration and development - this important white paper has been tested by 10 years and is a very valid geo-political master piece] 

And who stands behind the sabotage against the Nord Streams? Clearly, those who want to completely sever ties between Russia and the European Union, to fully undermine and crush Europe’s political agency, weaken its industrial potential and seize the market. And, of course, those who – I want to stress it – have the technical capacity to organise such explosions and in fact have committed similar sabotage in the past and were caught red-handed but evaded punishment.

The beneficiaries are well known.

14 Oct 2022 - RU: Vladimir Putin answered media questions

Pavel Zarubin, Rossiya TV channel.: You are an expert on Germany. How can you explain what is happening, and how will this affect Russia-Germany relations in the future? Thank you.

Vladimir Putin: This is the choice of the people who legally came to power in a particular country, Germany in this case. They must decide themselves what is more important for them – to fulfil allied commitments, as they understand them, or to ensure the interests of their own people, their national interests.

Judging by what you said, in this case the Federal Republic has prioritised its allied commitments in NATO. Is this right or wrong?

[MRT: Looks like he is hinting to this event in which Germany decided not to disclose who has done it  - The Prague Summit & possible cover-up of Nordstream affair.] 

I think this is a mistake, and businesses, the economy, and the people of Germany are paying for it because it has adverse economic consequences for the Eurozone in general and the Federal Republic in particular.

[MRT: The Prague summit was a joint RU decision to cover up the perpetrator.]  

However, it looks like hardly anyone takes into account its interests or else the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 would not have been detonated.

[MRT: Putin puts critique on other shareholders who failed to prevent the mission.]   

Although they were not operational, they still provided an element of reliability – they could be switched on in the worst-case scenario. '

[MRT: The minimal life expectancy of pipelines was 50+ years. Long term viable project, not delivering for a few years, being properly conserved was not an issue. This points to a perpetrator with long term vision on shaping European continent - London's attempts to implement ‘Global Britain’ concept failed]   

But this is no longer possible. Although there is a line that still seems to be in working condition, as I said in Moscow, but a decision has not been made and is unlikely to be made. But this is no longer up to us. This is up to our partners.

14 Oct 2022 - RU: Ukraine war: Putin says no more massive strikes - for now

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said there is no need for more massive strikes on Ukraine, days after the heaviest bombardment of the country since the war began.

He said most designated targets of the strikes had been hit, adding that it was not his aim to destroy Ukraine.

14 Oct 2022 - RU: Putin warns of ‘global catastrophe’ if Nato troops clash with Russian forces
The Russian leader also claims he does not regret the invasion of Ukraine

He said a total of 222,000 reservists would be called-up, down from the 300,000 figure initially quoted by the defence ministry when the order was announced last month.

In total, 33,000 of them are already in military units and 16,000 are involved in combat, Mr Putin said.

Asked about the war expanding to become a direct clash between Russian and Nato troops, Putin said: “The introduction of troops into a direct confrontation with the Russian army is a very dangerous step that could lead to a global catastrophe.

He added: “I hope that those who speak of this have enough sense not to take such steps.

There have been growing fears that the war could escalate and claims it could even become a nuclear conflict.

Putin also claimed that there was “no need” for further “massive strikes” on Ukraine, due to the fact that the majority of so-called designated targets had been hit.

14 Oct 2022 - RU: Putin: 'partial mobilisation' to be completed in two weeks, total of 222,000 called up

18 Oct 2022 - RU: Moscow Plans to Shift EU Export Routes to Turkey

Gazprom wants to rearrange its natural gas pipeline transit routes to Europe through Turkey after the two Nord Stream pipelines were damaged...

...If the plans materialize, it could bolster Turkey’s ambitions to become a significant regional gas hub.

Russian President Vladimir Putin floated the idea to expand the capacity of the Turk Stream offshore gas pipeline to Turkey on Oct. 12 with a view to redirect volumes to Europe from the damaged Nord Stream pipelines. Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan then instructed the government to immediately begin technical studies.

Gazprom has said it would no longer build pipeline infrastructure inside the EU following the cancellation of the South Stream project in 2014 due to opposition from Bulgaria and Brussels. 

Turk Stream, the project that eventually replaced South Stream, did not involve any Russia-financed capacity construction in the EU, only in non-EU Serbia.

Gazprom floated the idea of selling their gas on the Russian border instead of directly in the EU through a trading department set up in St. Petersburg in 2018.

It also launched its Electronic Sales Platform where it sold spot gas to European players from various interconnection points.

Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller said last week during the Russian Energy Week conference in Moscow that the new transit through Turkey could fully replace the lost Nord Stream capacity, potentially alluding that Gazprom intends to increase Turk Stream capacity even further than the planned 63 Bcm/yr.

Putin said Europe must make it clear that it needs the gas from an expanded Turk Stream before Moscow starts investments.

The Kremlin has already threatened to impose blocking sanctions on Ukrainian gas company Naftogaz, which would mean a stop to Ukrainian transit volumes.

27 Oct 2022 - RU: Russia escalates rhetoric on commercial satellites, calls them ‘legitimate targets for retaliation’

[MRT: Certain legal aspects do allow retaliation in kind. UK was hinting their satelites and cables are in danger and under threat.] 

27 Oct 2022 - RU: Vladimir Putin says Liz Truss was 'crazy' when she raised concerns about nuclear weapons

In a major speech in Moscow, the Russian president also criticised western leaders for playing a "bloody and dangerous" game in Ukraine and warned the era of western domination was over.

[MRT: Without reliable energy the economy will shrink. Europe has always been the largest energy importer.] 

27 Oct 2022 - RU: Valdai International Discussion Club meeting

Putin: "Of course, Europe is protecting its interests, especially in the economy, but then again it is doing so half-heartedly. There go the gas pipeline explosions. These are not our pipelines; these are pan-European pipelines. Five European companies are part of Nord Stream 1. So what? Everyone is keeping quiet, as if it is business as usual. They even have the nerve to suggest that Russia blew it up. Russia blew itself up. Have they lost their senses or what? No, they keep doing this.

[MRT: Collusion and protection of the perpetrator. Revealing that the prime suspect the UK could end NATO as an alliance and severe the Trans-Atlantic relationship because the USA took the leadership in covering up the crime.]

Gazprom published photos from 2016 showing, I think, a US-made explosive device under the gas pipeline system. They claimed they lost it during exercises. They lost an explosive device so conveniently that it slipped right under the pipeline. I think the purpose of the device was to destroy underwater mines. 

17 Nov 2022 - USA/RU: U.S., Russia Discuss Threats of Nuclear Use

“Russia is strictly and consistently guided by the tenet that a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought,” said the Russian Foreign Ministry. Russia will “hypothetically resort to nuclear weapons exclusively in response to an aggression involving the use of weapons of mass destruction or an aggression with the use of conventional weapons when the very existence of the state is in jeopardy.”

National Security Council official John Kirby told CNN that he had no comment “on the particulars of this reporting.”

Meanwhile, over recent months, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan has spoken confidentially with Yuri Ushakov, a foreign policy adviser to Putin, and Nikolai Patrushev, the Kremlin’s Security Council secretary, in an effort to maintain communications and decrease the risk of escalation, including to the nuclear level.

The U.S. and allied officials divulged the conversations to The Wall Street Journal Nov. 7, but did not detail the dates or the numbers of calls that have taken place...

The United States has communicated with Russia “when it’s been necessary to clarify potential misunderstandings and try to reduce risk and reduce the possibility of catastrophe like the potential use of nuclear weapons,” Sullivan commented Nov. 7.

27 Nov 2022 - RU: Vladimir Putin says world facing 'most dangerous decade since WW2'

[MRT: Russia has the right for retaliation but has been prevented by NATO through its defence and deter posture. NATO protects and covers up for the perpetrator.] 

2 Dec 2022: GER/RU: Telephone conversation with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz

Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany Olaf Scholz, at the initiative of the German side.

A transparent investigation into the circumstances of those attacks must be conducted and it must include the relevant Russian agencies.

[MRT: To this day Russia was declined its rightful investigation] 

22 Dec 2022 - Vladimir Putin answered questions from journalists

As for the Nord Streams…. What can I say? This was a terrorist attack, which is obvious, and everyone has recognised this. Even more surprising is that it is an act of international, or should I say state terrorism. Why? Because individuals cannot carry out terror attacks of this kind on their own. States were clearly involved in perpetrating them.

[MRT: The research points to possible knowledge sharing about the UK´s mission plan shared by Norway to USA and most likely also to other allies - post here.] 

As they say in such cases: look for who will benefit. Who will benefit from Russian gas being supplied to Europe only through Ukraine, who will benefit from Ukraine receiving the money? ...

Who benefits from Russian gas being supplied to Europe only through Ukraine? That is who blew it up. Nobody is investigating.

[MRT: The UK became after 44 years a net energy exporter on 29-09-2022 just 3 days after the blast. See this post "Mission accomplished - UK - from Energy Importer to Energy Exporter"] 

We had an opportunity just once to inspect the sites of explosions. All this was in the media, there is nothing to repeat, as I am sure you already know this. But there is no real investigation, no one is investigating. It is astonishing but true.

27 Dec 2022 - RU: Former Russian president accuses West of lying, says there can be no business with Anglo-Saxon world

'The behaviour of Washington and others this year is the last warning to all nations: there can be no business with the Anglo-Saxon world [because] it is a thief, a swindler, a card-sharp that could do anything,” said Dmitry Medvedev.

[MRT: This statement came after Scholz-Putin call, content is unknown but was also about fixing and future of the Nordstream. Just three days after Germany closed long term LNG deal with Qatar. This move signalled small hopes for change in policy toward Nordstream] 

Putin says Russia will fight sanctions with shift in trade and energy flows President Vladimir Putin said that Russia would expand trade cooperation with new partners in Asia, Africa and Latin America, including by sharply increasing gas exports to China, to combat Western sanctions.

"We will remove restrictions in logistics and finance. Let me remind you that by introducing sanctions, Western countries were trying to push Russia to the periphery of world development. But we will never take the route of self-isolation," he said.


Putin & Carlson on who blew up the Nord Stream pipeline

Thursday, October 10, 2024

The UK led NATO sub-group - Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF) and Nordstream affair - PART 2

The Nordstream affair was a naval military operation 
conducted by one large NATO state.

The Nordstream affair management at the NATO level
The Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF) 
is a United Kingdom-led
Northern European multi-national military partnership 
designed for rapid response and expeditionary operations. 
The JEF is a UK led mainly naval group.

Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF) was established by the UK and consists of 10 North-European countries, including Norway.

Together with the British Armed Forces, the following nine nations may form part of the JEF as required.
Denmark – Danish Defence
Estonia – Estonian Defence Forces
Finland – Finnish Defence Forces
Iceland – Icelandic Armed Forces
Latvia – Latvian National Armed Forces
Lithuania – Lithuanian Armed Forces
Netherlands – Armed forces of the Netherlands
Norway – Norwegian Armed Forces
Sweden – Swedish Armed Forces

The official purpose of the force is to be able to react quickly with joint efforts under British leadership, to improve NATO’s reaction time and to deter Russia.

The JEF is intended as a pool of high readiness, adaptable forces that is designed to enhance the UK's ability to respond rapidly, anywhere in the world, with like-minded allies, or on behalf of international organizations such as the UN or NATO. The UK's contribution will include the lead commando, airborne, armored, aviation, air and maritime task groups.

JEF includes the non-NATO-members Finland and Sweden, even though it is under British leadership and has as its purpose to support NATO.

Note that this excludes largest European countries Germany and France.

[MRT: France, Netherland and Germany are shareholders of Nordstream]

JEF is described as flexible and NATO-compatible, and is in practice an extension of the British military apparatus.

A Concept of NATO-led Groups

After the UK’s exit from the EU, it has become more clear that they have other and often conflicting interests with Germany.

JEF is thus a force that is not under the command of an EU country, and the non-EU-members Norway and Iceland also participate.

[MRT: This group also excludes USA.]

Thus, a number of EU countries are incorporated in a strength under British command. Additionally, it includes Sweden and Finland, which are not NATO members, under NATO-member UK’s leadership.


Members declared that jef, through exercises and “forward defence”, would seek to deter further Russian aggression—including provocations outside Ukraine that might stymie nato or fall under its threshold. 

JEF being able to take collective action below the traditional threshold of conflict, if necessary, before NATO declares Article V, in a complementary capacity to NATO. 

RELATED 2022 NEWS ... JEF after the Nordstream attack:

27 Sept 2022 - The UK and Estonia have been conducting maritime operations in the Baltic Sea.

Interoperability is a key component of #JEFtogether, ten nations working across a range of different roles for the benefit of all.

30 Sept 2022 - JEF: Commander of the Naval Forces and Admiral Benelux - René Tas - Visited Joint Force Command Norfolk @JFCnorfolk  this week. 

Sharing thoughts with NATO-Allies and Partners about current and future maritime warfare. Insightful discussions about world events, the shifting landscape and implications for @NATO #Strongertogether

[MRT: I read that it is how NATO will work together after one member attacked Russia and how to react would a retaliation arrive.]

3 Oct 2022 - UK: The Royal Navy's HMS Somerset (F82): 

A Royal Navy frigate is being sent on a power line protection mission. " A Royal Navy frigate is working with the Norwegian Navy to reassure workers near natural gas pipelines in the North Sea," the UK Ministry of Defence said in a statement on Monday, October 3.

[MRT: I read that UK is scared of RU retaliatory attacks. For Norway they protect their main customer and long term delivery levels. Note that NOR PM assured DK that there was no other threat to them shortly after Nordstream was attacked. This hypothesis shows that NOR had an intel it shared with the USA - post here]

The frigate sent by the UK is also expected to join the JEF (NATO's Joint Expeditionary Force) task force, consisting of the UK, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden, to protect the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 pipelines between Germany and Russia.

[MRT: Mopping some evidence? Preventing Russia its right to secure the crime scene?]

3 Oct 2022 - UK/JEF: After deliberate damage was caused to the Nord Stream pipelines in the Baltic Sea,

@BWallaceMP today spoke to counterparts from Joint Expeditionary Force partners.

Defence Secretary Ben Wallace added:

"In this period of heightened concern for all like-minded partner nations, it is right that we act with speed, agility and collective resolve to actively demonstrate our shared commitment to mutual security."

[MRT: For the UK Russian hydrocarbon exports brings energy insecurity - herehere and here plus the root case here.] 

The group condemned the blatant attacks against civilian infrastructure.

[MRT: NOTE that the group was not able to jointly declare that that the case was a sabotage or a terrorist act (!).]  

The JEF is a group of like-minded nations – Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom. The nations share the same purpose, values and a common focus on security and stability in the JEF core regions of the High North, North Atlantic and Baltic Sea region

3 Oct 2022 - JEF: JEF Defence Ministers Statement

The defence ministers from the countries within the Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF) defence cooperation met virtually on 3 October 2022, and gave the following statement:

3 Oct 2022 - JEF: Joint statement by Ministers of the Joint Expeditionary Force

Defence Secretary Ben Wallace met virtually with ministers from Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF) partner nations to discuss attacks on the Nord Stream pipelines in the Baltic Sea.

The JEF condemns in the strongest terms the reckless sabotage in the Baltic Sea. It is discussing security responses, including increased maritime presence and Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance activities. It will seek to deter further such acts, reassure allies and demonstrate collective commitment to the security and stability of the region. Ministers discussed increasing shared intelligence assessments to ensure common situational awareness, as well as cooperation to secure critical infrastructure. The JEF will ensure complementarity, alignment and transparency with NATO as well as the investigation led by Danish, Swedish and German authorities.

Defence Secretary Ben Wallace added:

In this period of heightened concern for all like-minded partner nations, it is right that we act with speed, agility and collective resolve to actively demonstrate our shared commitment to mutual security.  

3 Oct 2022 - JEF: JEF Defense ministers statement - "reckless sabotage

6 Oct 2022 - SWE/UK: Sweden and Great Britain on a training patrol together in the Stockholm archipelago. #JEF

7 Oct 2022 - UK/SWE: Brittiska Ambassaden Stockholm, @UKinSweden: 

Teddy Larsson, regiment commander at Norrland's dragoon regiment, Stephan Sjöberg, head of the army's planning section and our defense attaché Martin Moore visited one of the exercises.

11 Oct 2022 - JEF: AizsardzībasMin, @AizsardzibasMin: 

We were glad to welcome #JEF Defence Secretaries and Viceministers in Mālpils to discuss critical infrastructure security and other regional security issues. 

17 Oct 2022 - UK/SWE: UK and Swedish Air Forces conduct live air attack exercise Baltic Striker

The exercise was conducted as part of an effort to continue enhancing the JEF interoperability.

24 - 25 Oct 2022 - JEF: ‘Global Britain’ and security in the near abroad Leadership through flexilateralism?

...While there has been an increased focus and optimism within the defence ministries of the JEF states as to JEF’s potential contribution to European security, it is interesting to note that following the 2022 sabotage actions against the Nord Stream pipelines in the Baltic Sea, the opportunity to coordinate and act within a JEF frame was not taken.

[MRT: Perhaps because one of the members (UK) did it and that stunned everybody?] 

One of the perceived benefits of JEF is that it is envisioned to be used in support to NATO in operations that fall below the Article 5 threshold.

[MRT: Note that the group was not possible to agree how to define the event and Russia was later excluded from suspects]

However, whereas the investigation of the explosions and patrolling the area could have been a low-hanging fruit for a JEF operation, the JEF states decided instead to act within a NATO framework, possibly to not exclude Germany from the process of dealing with the situation...

[MRT: The UK is a leader so other members were GAINST the UK´s leadership in this case. Why is self-evident.] 

In addition to the above, the UK has also intensified its bi- and minilateral collaboration with Nordic and Baltic states in recent years – including bilaterally with Finland and Sweden following their decision to apply for NATO membership.

[MRT: There is nothing wrong with this. interesting is the amount of UK´s diplomatic missions with these nations shortly before and after the event.] 

All these initiatives could be seen to play into the UK’s attempt to define itself as an actor in the Northern region and to maintain its status as a European great power and key player in the region.
In addition to the above, the UK has also intensified its bi- and minilateral collaboration with Nordic and Baltic states in recent years – including bilaterally with Finland and Sweden following their decision to apply for NATO membership. All these initiatives could be seen to play into the UK’s attempt to define itself as an actor in the Northern region and to maintain its status as a European great power and key player in the region.

27 Oct 2022 - JEF: The Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF) remains committed to Euro-Atlantic Security.

[MRT: Looks like the decision has been made not to dismantle the JEF.]  

2 Nov 2022 - NED/UK/JEF: Netherlands Defence Attaché United Kingdom, @GHNijenhuis: 

Today the JEF ministers discussed further cooperation and support of nations to Ukraine. @DefensieMin, @BWallaceMP, @Defensie, @DefenceHQ, @SJFHQ_UK, @NLinUK

10 Nov 2022 - UK/JEF: UK convenes Joint Expeditionary Force ministers in Edinburgh

10 Nov 2022 - JEF: The JEF Defence Ministers met in Edinburgh to discuss future cooperation.

JEF meetings develop both our shared understanding of events and agility to react to them, providing a valuable contribution to regional and wider European security.

19 Dec 2022 - UK gov: PM opening remarks at JEF Summit

The Prime Minister addressed the Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF) Leaders' Meeting in Riga, Latvia.

We have reviewed the progress we have made in the development of the JEF as an agile, capable, and ready force, and today agreed to undertake a series of integrated military activities across our part of northern Europe – at sea, on land and in the air. 

For example, we will shortly conduct an exercise demonstrating JEF nations’ freedom of movement in the Baltic Sea.

19 Dec 2022 - JEF: Joint Expeditionary Force leaders' statement

We, the Leaders of the United Kingdom, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden met today as members of the Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF), a framework of nations established under NATO auspices in 2014.

We considered a range of security challenges affecting our region, including increased Russian military activity in the High North, North Atlantic and Baltic Sea region, and growing hybrid threats.

[MRT: The Nordstream attack aftershock and unsolved legal issues of it is quite  security challenge. Better to deal with it jointly and lock the Broken Pipeline skeleton in a closet.] 

We reaffirmed the role of the JEF, working in full complementarity with NATO, in addressing these tensions and upholding defence, security and stability in northern Europe.

[MRT: No more rogue solo actions allowed.]

...Intentional attacks against the civilian population and civilian objects constitute war crimes...

[MRT: Well, this statement will have certainly a legal status later.] 

This year we strengthened our ability to operate together in a crisis, increasing our exercises in response to the challenges confronting us.

[MRT: JEF members opted out and operated through NATO coordination. Nordstream affair is a long term crisis and it will be difficult to solve it.]  

Today we agreed to accelerate cooperation in tackling hybrid threats, with a focus on deterring and defending against threats to our shared subsea data and energy infrastructure.

[MRT: Russia has the right to retaliate against destruction of its fully Gazprom owned Nord Stream 2 AG pipelies.]  

Old (but still very relevant) post about the JEF and MARCOM