Showing posts with label Germany. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Germany. Show all posts

Monday, August 26, 2024

169 - German Government: Blowing up Nord Stream is a crime


25 August 2024 - Germany dismisses Polish, Czech claims about Nord Streams being 'legitimate target'

"The chancellor stated this explicitly during his talks with the Polish and Czech sides, as well as with many other international partners," Spokesperson Steffen Hebestreit went on to say.

The German government does not share the position of the Czech president that the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines were a legitimate target and considers their undermining a crime, German government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit said.

He stressed that this crime must be investigated and recalled that the German Prosecutor General's Office continues to investigate the blowing up of Nord Stream


The German government does not share the position of the Polish and Czech leadership that Nord Stream could have been a "legitimate target"




...and so Germany dismisses Russia as a perpetrator.


Previous posts related to the definition of the act:

053 - Anglo-Saxons and Nordstream affair - the Russian perspective

058 - Investigations, Sweden: Mats Ljungqvist - the Swedish investigator

090 - The UK Ministry of Defence - Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) and Nordstream

093 - Former mine clearance diver of the French Navy Philippe Chêne talks about Nordstream 



Uncovering the truth took over two years of self-funded, tireless investigation.
I decided to open it for free, no paywall, despite huge investment.
Because the truth matters.
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Thursday, August 8, 2024

162 - February 2022 - Germany suspends Nord Stream 2: Q&A on what happens next

25 February 2022 Germany suspends Nord Stream 2: Q&A on what happens next

 Those questions are: is Nord Stream 2 dead? Will Germany’s gas strategy change? How will it change the current official assessment of Germany and the EU’s security of supplyCan Nord Stream 2 AG sue Germany? Will Germany build its first LNG import terminal? What are the reactions from German and European Stakeholders?

1. What’s the significance of the decision to suspend the approval process? Is Nord Stream 2 dead?

...he decision does not necessarily mark the end of Nord Stream 2, which was completed in September 2021. For now, the government made use of a regulatory tool to halt the certification...

2. Does the German government reassess its position on natural gas with the decision?

... “Germany is and will remain an importing country for energy, even if the energy sources will be CO2-neutral in the long term,”...

3. What does the decision mean for supply security in Germany and Europe?

... Germany and many other European countries rely on Russian supplies to cover a high share of their energy needs. About half of Germany’s, and more than 40 percent of the EU’s, natural gas imports currently come from Russia and the country is also the main external supplier of coal and oil products to Europe. However, as Nord Stream 2 has not yet begun operation, stopping the pipeline’s completion alone would not mean any changes to current supply capacities...  the risk increases if the conflict and accompanying sanctions drag on until next winter. A straightforward response would be to reduce the amount of gas needed, rather than looking for new suppliers, the think tank concluded: “Whatever happens, the most efficient solution requires demand-side adjustments to reduce dependency on gas.”...

4. Can stopping Nord Stream 2 have legal repercussions for the German government?

If German authorities put a final stop to the use of the completed pipeline, the Nord Stream 2 company will likely resort to legal action. The German government could be faced with a compensation claim brought forward by the Nord Stream 2 AG operator...

...Before the court, the legitimate expectations of the plaintiff, for example positive signals given to Nord Stream 2 by receiving construction permits for the pipeline, are important arguments; while a changing political situation, even if caused by a crisis like the one in Ukraine, does not count as a valid argument, legal expert Gabriel Lentner told Tagesspiegel Background...

The ministry stressed that the supply security assessment (completed by the previous government in its very last weeks in office) is “based on an analysis of factual and legal fundamentals and can or must be adjusted in the event of a change in significant factual fundamentals” (Section 4b (3) EnWG). Both Russia’s aggression in Ukraine and patchy gas deliveries from Russia this winter are counting as such a change in “factual fundamentals”, minister Habeck indicated. How vulnerable the report will be to future legal action depends a lot on its actual wording and reasoning on how Nord Stream 2 endangers Germany’s supply security, legal experts told Die Welt. After the German government’s assessment, the European Commission also gets a say.

NOTE: [MRT: Read the full report] 


Uncovering the truth took over two years of self-funded, tireless investigation.
I decided to open it for free, no paywall, despite huge investment.
Because the truth matters.
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Monday, May 6, 2024

146 - German fleet tracker wk37 and wk38 in Baltic sea

wk37 - 12 ships in Baltic sea

FGS Alster
FGS Bad Bevensen
FGS Baltrum
FGS Baumholder
FGS Fulda
FGS Juist
FGS Mittelgrund
FGS Munster
FGS Pultos
FGS Rottweil
FGS Sachsen
FGS Sleswig-Holstein

wk38 - 17 ships in Baltic sea

FGS Alster
FGS Bad Bevensen
FGS Baltrum
FGS Baumholder
FGS Fulda
FGS Juist
FGS Mittelgrund
FGS Munster
FGS Pultos
FGS Rottweil
FGS Sachsen
FGS Sleswig-Holstein
FGS Seehund 01
FGS Dillingen
FGS Gorch Fock
FGS Oldenburg
FGS Oste

Was something there already earlier?

14 Sept 2022 - two German ships near Bornholm

14 Sept 2022 - German navy ships are still hanging around there too
• M1063 Bad Bevensen - minehunter
• FGS F216 Schleswig-Holstein - frigate
• A52 Oste - ELINT

15 Sept 2022 FGS Alster in Stockholm’s port

16 Sept 2022 - German Navy Sachsen-class frigate FGS Sachsen (F219) leaving Kiel, Germany  

21 Sept 2022 - German Navy Sachsen-class frigate FGS Sachsen (F219) coming into Kiel, Germany

22 Sept 2022 - FGS Oldenburg inbound to Devonport this morning

24 Sept 2022 - German Navy Baden-Wurttemberg-class frigate FGS Sachsen-Anhalt (F224) southbound under the Storebaelt Bridge in Denmark - September 24, 2022 #fgssachsenanhalt #f224

26 Sept 2022 - FGS Gork Fock, FGS Spessart (#A1442), FGS Sachsen(#F219) at Kiel at dawn.

26 Sept 2022 - German Navy Frankenthal-class minehunters FGS Bad Bevensen (M1063) and FGS Fulda (M 1058) leaving Kiel, Germany

26 Sept 2022 - German Navy Sachsen-class frigate FGS Sachsen (F219) leaving Kiel, Germany


29 Sept 2022 - German Navy Frankenthal-class minehunter FGS Rottweil (M1061) in the Kiel Canal at the Kiel Locks

1 Oct 2022 - German Navy Oste-class electronic surveillance vessel FGS Alster (A50) coming into Helsinki


It does not look like the 13-14/09 was the time when divers from Andromeda planted explosives. 

22, 23, 24, 25 September - SWE newspapers Dagens Nyheter report that Swedish navy was in the area a few days before the sabotage.


Uncovering the truth took over two years of self-funded, tireless investigation.
I decided to open it for free, no paywall, despite huge investment.
Because the truth matters.
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145 - FGS Sachsen conducts ASW search near Rügen - Germany KNEW II.

German frigate FGS Sachsen (F219)
appears to have conducted a search off the island of Rügen,
where Nord Stream lands. 

From 0600 to 0830 UTC (gmt).
An offshore wind park, known as Arkona, 
is located 35 kilometers northeast of Rügen
then there are also other key infrastructures in the area.
Example is Baltic Cable and here.

26 Sept 2022 - German Navy Sachsen-class frigate FGS Sachsen (F219) leaving Kiel, Germany

27 Sept 2022 - German frigate FGS Sachsen near Nordstream exit to land

30 Sept 2022 - FGS Sachsen arriving in Tallinn 

OTHER Sachsen-class frigate MOVEMENTS the time around blast:

21 Sept 2022 - German Navy Sachsen-class frigate FGS Sachsen (F219) coming into Kiel, Germany

22 Sept 2022 - German Navy Sachsen-class frigate FGS Hessen (F221) coming into Norfolk, Virginia

24 Sept 2022 - German Navy Baden-Wurttemberg-class frigate FGS Sachsen-Anhalt (F224) southbound under the Storebaelt Bridge in Denmark

30 Sept 2022 - German Navy Baden-Wurttemberg-class frigate FGS Sachsen-Anhalt (F224) coming into Kiel, Germany

3 Oct 2022 - German Navy Sachsen-class frigate FGS Hessen (F221) still pierside at Naval Station in Norfolk, Virginia

Andromeda yacht movements:

Summary: The Andromeda yacht was already back n the port yet GER navy ship Sachsen conducted search for a submarine/minisub/drone.

[MRT: Related post: 179 - NOR - FIN - SWE - GER - RU - LIT - USA were simultaneously preparing for a hybrid attacks from a hidden actor. Note that a submarine threat to infrastructure and some sabotage threat were well known to most Baltic and Nordic states.]


Realizing that the SWE air force was protecting NordBalt
Realizing how Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania were mobilizing resources
Realizing how other states run different anti-terrorist policing actions 


It is likely that F219 was in the area protecting key undersea infrastructure. 

Like on the case of NordBalt it was the wrong one.



Uncovering the truth took over two years of self-funded, tireless investigation.
I decided to open it for free, no paywall, despite huge investment.
Because the truth matters.
Please consider supporting my work with a donation.

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144 - German Navy Commander: Russia's capabilities at the bottom of the sea

The issue was known
There was something under
It was a Threat to Key infrastructure
They searched in the right place first
But they went to check to the wrong place

FGS Sachsen arriving in Tallinn on September 30, 2022

The head of German Navy Kaack discloses in an interview that they were aware of some subsea threat in Baltic sea and that he ordered to check what capabilities Russian navy has. This is odd as they should already know. So he may have disagreed and was checking what was going on. 
Was there a new information which caused his order to review the undersea threat?


The head of German Navy J. Ch. Kaack seemed to be aware of the subsurface danger to Nordstream pipelines. 

Kaack tells that the surface and air were under surveillance.

Kaack tells that there is an evidence in data anomalies about what happened.

It is unclear why German ship FGS Sachsen was in NE part of the Baltic sea in 30th of September when it was on 27th of September near the other end of Nordstream, neear its exit to Germany - here. Note that French naval ship Céphée was also in the same time operating in the NE part of the Baltic sea. Why? Was Germany expecting the attack in a wrong area?


Vice Admiral Jan Christian Kaack, Commander of the German Navy in an interview on 3 Nov 2022.

[MRT: J.Ch. Kaack knew that the UK was threatening Nordstream pipelines. German, French and allied ships were protecting pipelines, searching for the undersea asset but in the wrong area, closer to the Lithuania. There is a strong case to believe that Norway warned not just the USA but also France and Germany about the UK plans to take down Nordstream.]  

"One of these challenges arose. One day before the Nord Stream 1 and 2 incident, I gave an interview to an influential German newspaper, where I gave a strong recommendation to thoroughly assess Russia's capabilities at the bottom of the sea," he said.

[MRT: When the challenge arose? Why would he do that? To start to blame Russia or to show that Russia has all its submarines out of the area so Russia would not be blamed which could ease the tense situation? Was there a "false intelligence" which was to prepare for an incident which could be blamed on Russia with possible fast escalation ladder which would make investigation later who did what impossible? Was he trying to prove that Russia actually does not have capability at the moment in the area? OR Was he really believing that there is some Russian submarine asset in the area? That is dubious and he would not share that worries with public.

"The basis for seeing possible events is a clear picture of the sea, or observation. If there is a clear picture of the air, surface or subsurface — almost clear, because you cannot always be completely sure — then you can look at anomalies in the system and then you can bring a special unit to the area where the anomaly was detected," Kaack said.

[MRT: stress should be in the word "...anomalies..." which hints to subsurface approach. It would be important to know what orders got German ad allied ships in the week before the event. Especially AFTER the USS Kaersarge left the Baltic sea as described here and Europeans were no more sheltered by US nuclear umbrella as said here. The next day was a chaos.]


 Was this German ship checking some magnetic anomaly?


21 - 23 Sep 2022 - DK/SWE: Five days before the pipeline blasts,... 

Described in this post here.

26 Sept 2022 - USA: the US Navy carries out a number of missions with the MH 60r strike hawk helicopter, adapted to detect and destroy submarines

pre-28 Sept 2022 - USA: CNN reports that:

"Russian submarines were also observed not far from those areas last week, one of the intelligence officials said... US officials declined to comment on the intelligence about the ships on Wednesday."

WHAT WAS GOING ON ON 21-09-2022?
(to research the event further and what happened on that day)


[MRT: This post offers partial explanation to what happened]

[MRT: USA was monitoring RU assets after Kearsarge was withdrawn]


Uncovering the truth took over two years of self-funded, tireless investigation.
I decided to open it for free, no paywall, despite huge investment.
Because the truth matters.
Please consider supporting my work with a donation.

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